The Official Super Mario 3D World Wiki (2025)

The Official Super Mario 3D World Wiki (1)

Welcome to the The Official Super Mario 3D World Wiki!


The Official Super Mario 3D World Wiki (2)

This Wiki page focuses on the video game Super Mario 3D World. This game can be played on a Nintendo Wii U and a Nintendo Switch and is a installment to the Super Mario Bros. Franchise. As the name implies this is a 3D game that's a sequel to Super Mario 3D Land. In this adventure you will run, jump, climb and swing to victory.


This Story begins with Mario, Luigi, Toad and Princess Peach taking a nice walk with fireworks firing in the background when suddenly they find a clear pipe in their path. Instinctually as plumbers, Mario and Luigi fix the pipe in seconds flat. But as soon as the job is done it gets worse, A load of junk such as Super Bells, Double Cherries and Red POW Blocks spring out. Moments later a tiny green fairy (One of the Sprixie Princess) pops out of the pipe and twirls around, leaving green dust around her. But her expression changes from majestic to fear as she explains that Bowser has kidnapped all the Sprixie Princesses except for her. But that is soon to change as Bowser came out of the clear pipe and snatches her and put her in a jar and went back down. Princess Peach goes into the clear pipe first, struggling to get up. Mario and Toad quickly follow behind. Luigi hesitates to go in thinking to him self what his getting him self into but soon after jumped in the pipe to follow the gang. We see everyone flying through the clear pipe and enter The Sprixie Kingdom.


Level selector map controls[]

The Official Super Mario 3D World Wiki (8)

Use the joystick to move around the map. Press A next to a Level to go to that level Jump pressing B or A. Hold X or Y to run while you hold the joystick. Press + to show you the map of the world to where you can fast travel to by pressing A while highlighting a world of choice. While you are there you can press right/left on the joystick to scroll through Course List which shows you all the courses you have unlocked and how many green star you got on them, if you got a Stamp on them, If you got a Gold Flag, Lowest Time and Highest Score, You can also scroll through your Stamp Collection. Press R to set up Local Wireless and/or Online play (Switch Exclusive)

In Level controls[]


The Official Super Mario 3D World Wiki (9)

Hold the joystick to move around the Level. Press B or A to jump. Hold Y or X to run faster while holding the joystick, after a while of running you start to dash. Hold ZL or ZR to duck. After a while of ducking the player will start to grunt and in this state if you jump it makes the jump higher. When you are in the air you can press ZL or ZR to ground pound. While on the ground ducking you can press Y or X to Roll. While you're on a slope and hold ZL or ZR you Slide. While you're holding the joystick in the direction of a wall and you're next to it and in the air you will slide down it. If you press B or A in a sliding state you will do a wall jump. If you want to pick up something (Green Shell, Potted Piranha plant etc.) hold Y or X next to it.

Power-up exclusive[]

The Official Super Mario 3D World Wiki (10)

While you have a Super Bell, Lucky Bell or Invincibility Bell you can press Y or X to Cat scratch. With a Fire Flower press Y or X to shoot a fire ball. With a Boomerang flower press Y or X to throw a boomerang. With a Super Leaf or a Invincibility Leaf press Y or X to twill your tail around and hold B or A in the Air for a slow descent. With a Mega mushroom it makes you move slower and limits your abilities to only jumping, running, and ground pounding.


The Official Super Mario 3D World Wiki (11)

When you are on a Mushroom trampoline, Spring or an enemy that you can jump on press B or A while jumping and you will jump higher. When you are holding ZL or ZR and have some momentum, press B or A to do a Long jump. When you are rolling you can press B or A to do a Rolling Long jump. Moves the joystick in a circular motion to make the player spin, in this state if you press B or A you jump very high (Spin jump). Pressing B or A after doing a ground pound and you will do a Ground pound jump. While doing a ground pound press Y or X to do a Mid-air Roll (Switch exclusive).

On-top of or Inside[]

The Official Super Mario 3D World Wiki (12)

To go into a Pipe press ZL or ZR on top of it. When you are on a tree press up on the joystick to go up the tree and down to go down on the tree and press B or A to jump off of it. In a Green shell you are always going forward so moves the joystick turns the shell around, you can all so jump in this state by pressing B or A and press ZL or ZR to exit. In a Cannon Box you can hold X or Y to shoot a larger cannon ball. In a Propeller Box you can press and hold B or A in the air to get a boost upward. In a Goomba Ice skate you all ways move around so you can move the joystick to change your direction and jump by pressing B or A and press X or Y to get a little boost. When you are on a Trapeze hold left and right on the joystick to build momentum and press B or A to jump off. When you hop on Plessie you can hold right and left on the joystick going their directions respectively, holding forward on the joystick makes Plessie go faster and holding back makes her go slower, press B or A to jump too.

Playable Characters[]




Princess Peach


Mario, Luigi, Toad, Peach, Rosalina


World 1[]

World 2[]

World 3[]

World 4[]

World 5[]

World 6[]

World Castle[]

World Bowser[]

World Star[]

World Mushroom[]

World Flower[]

World Crown[]

The Official Super Mario 3D World Wiki (2025)


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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Author information

Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.