The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)

TURKISH ftflAT. fttf Stendtli'I. 21o. ma CHEAP, CASH CO.t?23&T THS CHJ3A, CASH COLtttUff. whs tabls.

SttASrSs THBJWBEA CASS 00Z.V3S2T, Advertiementi uVl tm px bitched in tiiU colt-frn iiansas (Life wits. Advertisem*nts wiU be published in this column at AdtxrUscmtntt toill be published in this column at tat fclloiHng rates 5 cents a line every tnscrttcn KAJfSLM PACIFIC. cm jououmng rate i 5 cents aline every Insertion tae rata 5 ecu's a line every instruct lens than QKewcek, and gX cents aiint every inter peaehes, S12o. fathers Llpht demand; prlimoiive eof, S50c; mixed 2uB2fio. rutx Seed Prime crushing, 91.10.

Hat Market well supplied and prices steady at 5.606.00fornew. Hides Market steadv. Oreen, 66Keper pound; Baited, flint, 14018c: dry less ifian cne week, and 2X cents a tine every inser- less inanoneweeJc, and 2X cents a line every inter Hon ror one week or more. All advertisem*nts or tirn for one week or more. All advertisem*nts or Han for one vreck or more.

AU advertisem*nts or Buie aiTuaotnxers of tie SATOIDAT, SOTT-MEO: 22, 1S77. "Situations Wanted" and "JIclp Wanted" wt "Situations Wanted' 'and "IIclp Wanted" voi xtzuanons wanted" and "Betp Wanted" not exceeding lines will be published one time FREE exceeding 4 lines mill be published one time FUEE. advertisem*nts (except jr "Situations Want exceeding 4 Hne a8 be published one time FREE, Xo advertisem*nts (exceot for "fUttuMant wrnm. Shot and Lead Patent shot, baft, $9.83 buck, bar lead, ft, 9X10c. Powder Orange, r.

FFG, 25-lb beg, x-kegs, X-kegs, blast lng, 28-tt keg, cotton luse, 100 feet, 76c. Rope Sisal, -ineh and 1211X0 fk Ji-lnch and larger sizes lie; Salt car lots, tbtt hoop, $1.45 round hoop, $1.65 Lake, $1755 Lake, less than ear lots, 25c bbl extra; Dairy, $3.00 bbl; saekB, $1.50. Soap Palm, Be; extra family, 6S6Xc; Olive, 6XS 6X'o I Castile, 14lHo. Teast Powdkrs French Baking Powder, l-tt can, $4.30 doz; X-U cans, X-lb cans, 5-lb buckets, $21.00 doz. Axle Grease Large, 1 doz, case, $2: small, do, 2 doz in case, medium, do, 2 AT.

advertisem*nts (except or "Situations Want? eajt, lie, mp ana can, iuhjp; ounajo, 1.252.00 each; sheep pelts, a2eiasi.O0, aceordine to condition and fleece. ed" and "Help mil be inserted unless "Belp waLbe inserted unlets ed" and "Help nil! be inserted unless Honbt Steady and in sluw demand; paid in advance or arranged or by contract. FINANCE AD TRADE. FIXANCE. trained.

12lPc; in tne comb, 1820e paid in advance or arranged or by ootUrart. paid in advance or arranged or by contract. 1 REAIi ESTATE FOR SALE. L1N6KED 73c gallon; boilod, 76c: oil cate. aa ton; ou meal.

S30 TO KENT. Taxjxw tu steady demand at 6 'it 6 St crrr. "males. iXtHaea a sie tack fairly active twwii'-. tw csTi work having been AIT AN TED AGENTS TO SELL GSBt7KN- rjpo BE ST BY HABEISOK A PLATT.

doz in case, wood, 4 doz in cass, Tre4 by Tfcnrsdsy. clotting ers at $2 to $100 per day send names of old agents an" get lo per cent of tludr JOR SALE 74 lots in Benson Hopkins' Addition. Two lota oh Penn, between loth and 11th One lot on Jetl'orson near 11th. Four lots on Washington, near loth. IVwt me: vitt Levy.

There was no cI.OO. Kansas City Liquor Market, 630 Holmes frame, 7 rooms Broadway, near Fifteenth frame, 6 rooms so. on sales. J. H.

Abbott, 172 JUm Cmiinnatl, unioi Tobacco The foUbwin are the current quotations: Inferior and common, class, 84c; 2d cla.s, irai5e; lstclaas, 6H 7Xc; extra briglit, charcoal cured. 14 lc. Wool-Ruling quotations, fine nnwaahed, I6'a lsc; medium lino, combing line, 23't tub-waHhed. 3l3fc; Colorado and Uexicau, 17i'20c. Kansas City Live Stock Dliirket.

The following are the receipts and -diip-menta of livestock at the Kansas Ciiy Stock Ilighwines, domestic bourbon and ana Mcueo Irame, 7 YtTANTED A MAN OF EXPERIENCE TO rooms 20.00 Hot on Union avenue, opposite the contemplated new Union Depot. 8 nice brick dwellings on Wyandotte street. rye,; pure Kentucky bourbon, pure Pennsylvania rye. $1.76 oanx'ass the i It.y for a new and verv mil) tu.k- in cc ril situation. Currency rr ecb tree, and discounts w-rre rii be "-na! rate.

tWIEMEM BONDS. Vie 5tw York quotations: inuepencience near city limits. ular work; to a first-class man special terim oomesiic uranay and gin, si. 30 2. 00 will be given; also, 250 to work Imported cosrnac.

$4. 00 10. 00: imnorted Irame, 7 rooms s.nd barn 15.00 151 2 Grand 4 rooms 2d floor 12.00 seventh, near Oak. 2 room a. no rum, throughout Kansas.

grkexavv i.t Webster, 426 Main Street Large oricu uweiungon renn avenue. Oottnge brick dwelling on Oak street. One frame dwelling on Cherry street. Store room and vacant lots on 12th street. House and lot on McGeo street.

House and lot on Locust street. wed tu, near Oak, 1 room 2d 3.00 Sixteenth and Walnut, frame, 6 roemi, 10. 00 110 IMS lovV imporieu oeotcn aim trtsti whisky, 6.00; imported poii; wine, fl.6t)5.00; imported sherry wine, 51.605.00; Cook's Imperial, $18.0020.00 per case; pure peach brandy, $3. 505. 00 domestic oeaeh b'rundv Yard for the past IS hours 01.

i.ouis ave. west Kansas city, irame. ANTED FIW-T CLASS BOOT AND SHOE i ennret HxpressV. lliOQa. i 47afjD.

"ickft Union Depot. 1 'ow v' tf SI JO Mi-g. 6:45 p. m. 1 10i05 p.

vrlantic Express! a. it covxciz. jblvfTs'1 depart. ahbivx. Hall Express.

.......11:15 i 8.50 -it. Joe A.x:ommodatlont... 5:30 p. m. 11:00 aeilie Express! 11:15 p.m.

5:00 p. Tickets at General Tiofeet Onlee, No. 530 Mai ireet. and Union Depot. AIT., Ji. C. ii; SOKrHKRX! DBPABT. AKRIVX. M.ll Expresal 4:05 m.

1 11:00 p. Night 5:35 p. m. 1 10-35 a. City Ticket Office, No.

530 Main nreet, and ticket at Union Depot. AIC1IJ OM SAN1A. FH. To Lawrence, To lie a and points on the Atchiaoa Topeka Santa Fe Railroad. Pueblo and Denver Exp.

1 a. m. I 5 :00 p. Accommodation 6:10 p.m. I 7:00 a.

m. Tickets at Union Depot. MO. It ITEM, FT. HCOTZ Jt OVL.F.

DEPART. ARHIVB. LKirxxrroiitii, i. wnvstK gal-i'ehtos: DKPAJ4T. AJtRIVlt.y Mall 11:05 a.

tn. MIX SOVItl, AS SAS TEXAS. 1EPAKT. ARRIVE. Texas Express 5:25 p.

m. I 8:45 a. in. 1 :05 a. m.

5:10 p. m. K. C. CUICAUO TJII20VGII ll.VK, (Via Louisiana, Mo.) OltPART.

ARRIVE. Morning Express 4:05 a. m. 1 11 :00 p. m.

Night Lxpreea 5:35 p. tn. 1 10:85 m. Tickets at Union Ticket Office, No. 530 Main street, and at Union Depot, MIS OVJtl PACIFIC.

CHINESE AND CASHMERE SOAPS. makers, at 1 107 Mnln St. 10 20.00 Storeroom ou Twelfth, near Oak 10.00 One of the largest and finest residences In 109. 107 Morses, and Sheep. Mules.

48d isl f. i- pure apple brandy, the city on Locust street. House and lot on Forest avenue. Cattle. IIos.

Receipts 2,470 5)7 Miipments ....1,195 Yr ANTED A J( lURNEYMAN SHOKMA KER; More room on Grand ave 15.00 Front offices, P. O. block 15.00 Front offices over postoffice, vacant October 1st 25.00 Double brick house on Oak street: price low. auaivss or appiy to uenry lioteiitiecK, Nap -loon. Mo uuuirauu aiipie ortuiuy, Kansas City Hrng Market.

Dnieu 819 937 Cattle The postponement of business V. MEDIOAL. WANTED A MAN TO TAK" CHARGE OF Sleeping rooms, O. block, $4 to $6 per ii bar ane billiard Iiali; irood wiutes and Arsenic, 10c; alcohol, aettc monvu. 11AUIUBUIM I'liAl'l', Large brick business house on Main st.

Vacant lot on 8tlf, near Wyandotte st. Vacant lot on loth and Walnut sts. Lot on Main street, near 12th, 100 feet on Grand avenue. 1 1 brick house on Dripp st. Buildinir and 2 acres, suitable for mnnnfan during Thursday created a heavy accumulation of receipts, 120 cars having arrived in steady sli nation; references required Rooms 8 and 4, over Post-office.

acid, No. 8, lb, 15c; tartaric acid, 57c; fTOLMAN'S LIVER PAD rt. cures without medicine, exerting specific and prompt action upon th aiuui, oc; assaioaritia, tic; Peruvian bark. lnqul.e ol it. I'.

1'iJTE, 310 Main up red, $1.50 red, powdered, $1.60 TO RENT BEAUTIFUL SUBURBAN RESI-deuce. 7 rooms, burn, carriage house. 1- 1 a I Ct. ft-. cm tud.

12 ct. If-rt. it-. i .10 ct. prem.

2.00; borux, lGSilSc; calomel, 90c; turing purposes; the finest manufacturing on Imlependence-av. Apply to creuui lariur, pui-c, uo, commercial. WATKD A FEW RELIABLE PARTIES TO sell teas to families. CONSUMERS TEA addition to a good many bunches already in the pens. The market was consequently pretty thoroughly glutted and with unfavorable advices from below prices on all shipping stud' wet oil" from 10 to 15 cts.

There HARRISON A PLATT, Rooms 3 and 4, over Postoffice. 253oc; blue, vitrol, 13e; blue mass, 50c; gum Arabic, picked, 60c; do, sorted, 2025c; property 111 me ciiave. C. W. BRYAN, 13 West Fifth street St.

Louis, Alt). liquorice, cai. anil vv FEMALES. ROOMS. oil bergainot, oil cassia, on lemon, i.uu ou pepernunt, S3.60 opi was a good deiH of activity in the early part POH SALK I OFFER FOR SALE, ON VERY reasonable terms, the north one-third of the 'Funk's Hall" property, on thecornerof Main ami 5th Kansaj City, Mo.

For Liver, Stomach, Kidneys, and Heart. It controls in an astonishingly short time any disease which attacks or grows out of these organs. CHIIaSflS I (ET! falt Malaria; also. Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Nervousness, Sciatica, Spinal Disease, Headache, Colic, Diarrhoea, Dyspepsia, etc. These and many more have their origin in the Stomach and Liver.

If your druggists do not keep them, address Holman liver Pad Company, 68 Maiden Lane, New York, or 248 W. Fourth Street. Cincinnati. 0. Price $2.00: Snecial Pads.

$3.00. WANTED A GOOD DINING IMOM GIRL. um, gum, quinine, P. aud rnuuaru root, do, powdered, TO RENT TO A JEWELER, WINDOW AND show case room 111 a drng store; location good. M.

A. HADLEY, 1223 Union avenue. West Kansas City. 'V immediately; apply utthe Great Western Hote opposite Union Depot, West kausus of the day aud auuther spurt just at the close, about 1,400 head being scaled altogether. The only kind of cattle that hold their own TKAIK.

ram Market. a iimfrt aUenilsnje on sui transactions I i-r fi-t-iiaij on wheat f.rajti cas-U values were a bcinir advanced uni i front The i i xl.i 'it considerable ux- i.ouii.uuj suipuur, ojs'abe; uiusam c.o pabia, 55c; mercury, 75c; magnesia, carb. 4045c. Isinglass, cooper's, $1.00: canr t-icy. apply to iirown Wright, At torneys, office 426 Main st.

H. Z. GILL, M. D. phor, 37X tiie: vitrol, 45c; potash.

a IO RENT A FURNISHED ROOM TO ONE or two gentlemen. Anniv at 205 West TL. 1 i r- i -r i trf WAM'KD-A SERVANT GltiL DOS tier at the southeast corner of lOtn 6t, and Fore av. chlorate, 35 40c; iodide potassa, LXR SALE 8 SiORY BRICK BUSINESS house on Main st now renting for $1,300 Tenth-st. per annum all 111 good can be sold loninc, jo.uu; castor on, nuineating oil, 2535c; lard oil, 75c; fish oil, 65c; golded machine oil, 50o; neatsfoot oil.

4TAN1ED A GIltL TO DO IlOUfEWOtiK, lor next ho oays mr in.tio". Halt cash, bal WANTED TO HINT, Ajipii' at 1015 McGee st MEDICATED PLASTERS act as if by magic. Foot Plasters, 50 cents a pair Body Plasters, 5Q cents each. JGfi? Beware of imitations. Take none but the origiual Holman'e.

Jfjgr Sent by Mail on receipt of price, postage free. ance 111 two years. jiaukison i t. ATT, Rooms 3 and 4 over Post-office, was feeders, natives being in especially good dtuiaud and tirin. There was a considerable trade iu butcher cows at a lower range of values while Texas stock dragged heavily eveu at the decline.

The market closed quite unsatisfactorily to both buyers and tellers of shipping stiitt" and a good deal of uiiMild slock left over. CATTLE SALES. ANTf.D A GOOD COOK ALSO A PAS WANTED TO RENT-BY A PROMPT-PAY-ing tenant, a comfortable house of 4 or 5 moiit, House. tix cook, ut the Trem ts tts-ir 4uti indits eoutraets, -t i to provide -iu-r were confident and jr i Kansas City Lumber Market, Common rough boards, 12, 11, 16 ft fOlt SALE-LOT 50x133 FEET OX CHERRY" frtime hoiie. 5 rooiiiu X-n Mail! fcxpress Atchison UKl-AKl WEST.

10:40 p. 5:00 p. in liEPAKl KANT. rooms; address, stating location and price. P.

O. Box 963, city. AN'TKD A GIRL TO HOUSEWORK. quire at 413 East Fifth st. $800, half cash, balance on time.

418.00; 3d common common la the safest and the best, la instantaneous In Its ac. tlon, and it produces the most natural shades of black I t.TT, dressed Doarus, 12, 14, 16 tt, scant-Una and ioist. 18 ft and under. S18.0O: sennr- WANTED TO RENT A SMALL COTTAGE ill croud renair. or four TlleHnuTlt rnnma In 1.1.

in-ir Mull excel at r- who were the vv jr. Mouth are now tho S3rrUATIOITS VAIifTED. or nrowii, noes uoi si ain tne ski anu is easily appttea. It is preparation, and a favorite uixm every well-appointed toilet for lady or gentleman. For sal.

by all Druggist and Hair Dressers. JOSEPH CK1S XADoau, Proprietor. P. O. Box 2U2, New York.

good neighborhood, for light housekeeping. Address, stating location and rent, J. ling and joist, 20 ft, Joist and timber over 20 ft, 50c foot additional; 1st AV pine flooring, 2d pine flooring, MA LICS. noil SALE 28x132 FEET N. E.

COR. 17TI1 and Oak streets; $250: easy terms. HARRISON PLATT. 710.1 SALE LOT ON OAK STREET, A 1 easy terms. Harrison Piatt.

Mail 4:17 a. m. fc-xpress p. m. Atchison Express! (arrive) 10:07 a.

ni, Sedalla Aecommodatlont 6:30 a. m. East-bound trains leave Grand Avenue Depot five minutes later and west-bound trains ten mlnnt.1 earlier than above time. Tickets at State Line, Union Depot, Grand Avenue Depot, and City Ticket Office, No. 530 Main street blue front office.

1 imes omce. on jniie iioonug, ifio.oo; clear suiing pine, 1st siding, $20.00 sidinir, 3d sidinar. $16.00 1st clear inch, 2d FOR SALE. WHOLE3ALB GHOCEI1S. a ITUATION WANTED BY A BOY 16 YEARS of sipre; some active business preferred: clear inch' $35.00: 3d clear inch.

$30,001 1st good tit figures, and writes a fair hand address "BOY," Times office. 6, 8, 10 inch base, all lentrths. S10.00: A 1.10U SALE HOUSE OF 5 ROOMS AND LOT 1 40x132 teet, 011 cherry street; near Independence avtnue; 1,100. lii'wJ -ii- i-. i.ceipts were fair, Hi i r- irlt I.

t'ai coul i ii-ir k. tut i r. em -ij-i ed a dt-frea-e, while 1 ir the ri.Lv h-k Krrtitr. Sji I ice ta- t- ilie xtmouut of rra.ts receir4. and in store at r- i -t T.

LOUIS CIIIC.1GO 2I1KOVGH L.1XE OR SALE CARRIAGES 1 close quarterod coach. 1 extension top carriage, 6 seats. 1 Clarence, circular front: will sell on nix llAltRISoy PI.ATT. stock, 12 inch, stock, 12 inch, stock, 12 inch, IX, IS aed 2 inch, 1st clear, l'i, IX and 2 inch, 2d clear, ly, IX and 2 inch, 3d or select. $35.00: SITUATION WANTED A3 CLEHK IN A drug et'ire: can give best of references; address Times office.

T7OR SALE 2-STORY BRICK BUSINESS house on Main street: post SI 1.000: sell months' time if called tor soon. 1st common coiliinr. S37.50: for $5,000. Harrison NlvISW ANGER A 415 Delaware St. CjiTUATios Wanted by a practical farmer, a strain or stock farm to annire 2d common ceiling, 3d common or common, clear ceiling, or work on shares; stock and ininlemcnts to Morning Express leaves fct.

Louis 7:45 a. m. Morning Express arrives at St. Louis. 8 :30 p.m.

Night Express leaves St. Louis 7:00 p. Night Express atrlaes at 8t. Louis 8:80 a. m.

K. C. -A. It. II.

AnnrvK a. m. 9:50 a. 2:12 p. 4:00 p.

5:45 p. in. Leave 11:30 a. 3:00 p. m.

5:20 p. 6:00 p. in. G. W.

Vaughn, Gen. Supt. SALE FIN'I TWO-STORY BRICK denco.with gas, water and all modern im- OR SALE TWO LATEST STYLE BIL- turnislnd: 'FARMER." Times i. ors ltnrd tables. Inou re ol McKlNNAN A ..,11 541 Main Street.

Kansas Citv. Mo. ju ceiling, zo.uo; an ceumjr, i oo; A box boards, 14 inch and over, $50.00: office. lrovements; lot 100x132 feet, on west side of ioeust street in beat neighborhood in east PATTERSON. 52.U15 lOS.tSlO in, 424 74S CJITUATION WANTED TO TRAVFL FOR A So, Av.

Wt. Piiee. 37 native sliippirn 1,151 40 native ter tiers 3.37 4 1 t52 3.13 1,147 3.75 11 23 3.25 12 7S5 3.00 12 1,005 3.50 31 native cows 1,006 2.50 32 a. uo lii 972 2.49 i 774 2.45 40 7tiO 2.40 23 2.55 Ss 835 2 65 IS l.OtJt 2(iO IS tiftt 2.77S 21 native cows and ti22 2.25 11 native cows and 820 2. SO 00 Colonulo leeOers 1,063 3.35 1,164 3.75 so netive stockeis, per head 20.50 10 758 2.50 20 unlive cows 2.75 12 Col.

ball-breeds, lid ly.oo 4o col. halt-breed 3.25 70 Col. hulf-bieed 764 3.00 3S Coiordo-Texas HuO 2.9i) 77 Sst 3.20 3 15 986 3.00 7: l.Ortl p. t. 11 CoU rado-Texas 7S7 2.65 4 2 wintered Texas mi8 2.65 1 3o through Texas cow 615 2.30 13u 7 I 2.30 sideof the city.

HARRISON PLATT. box boards, 14 inch and over, $40; box boards, 14 inch and over, fencing, fenciiur, 2d quality, flooring, FOR SALE CHEAP FOR WANT OF USE, the most stylish outfit in the citv. con GFXTERAX. NOTICES. EOALJWOjTICBS young man of business experience; address BUSlNKsls, Times IJOI SA' FIVE LOTS ON TIIE WEST SIDE JL of Summit street, S'uth of Lx'kins: for salefchcnp.

HARRISON PLATT. Dally. Dally except Saturday, Daily except Suuday. ONLY $5.00. 11111 ITUATION WANTED-AS ENGINEER OR miller; understands dro-sintr and balanc pOR SALE 2 LOTS ON DRTPP STREET; sisting of a blooded bay horse, 14X hands high, 7 years old, heavy mane and tail, up-headed, Iree driver, is no lugger; csn trot a full mile in 3 minutes; has never been trained the buggy is a fine ide-bar, nearly new; the harness took the premium at our last fair; apply to 8.

S. BAKER, the Broker, 424 Slain opposite the public square. ing mill stones ai setting tip machinery. JL $.525 each. HARRISON PLATT.

rxuiiress it. m. jaines Hotel. isi mm -u eieur nooiinsr. 3d or common 1" step stufi, 12 Inch IX.

shingles, A warranted, shingles. No. 1, lnth, per pieces, $2.50 pickets, rough, $2.00 pickets, dressed, laney head, $3.25. KuiLOlso JlvtkkiaIj Lime (in bulk) 28c lliuinilml lime, Louis rille cement. It.

Scott cement, stneco, plastering hair, 82c bush; white sand, $3.50 bid. fire luiek, $60.0090.00 1,000. 7ORSLE-100xl32 FEET ON SOUTHEAST corner ed 13th and Locust streets, one of KANSAS CVSli POST OFPI0E. AJSIt CI-OSISG OF MAILS. l.Mv'l Isa.

trail! Kw iiif J'e-ttd into U- 4 endins; yesterdaj r-d lt-t. 4 at. V-d 1Wer wheat. ''II. Q1TCATION WASTED BY A YOUNG AN to ns clerk or porter in a wholesale the finest local ions in the city; $2,000.

address I. Times otliee. pOR SALE TICKETS TO DENVER, JL Pueblo, $15; if you want to buv or sell HARRISON iS PLATT. Sundays, ORDER OK PUBLICATION. UN ICN DEPOT Company petitioner, against The Hannibal St.

lont-ph Kaiiroad Company, and others, ilelendants. In the Circuit Court of Jackson counrv. State of Missouri, at Kansas Citv. To Natuanlel Thayer, Sidney Bartlett, James F. Joy, Charles F.Adams.

Francis Bartleu, and Tue Union Trust Company, of New York: Vou and each of you are hereby notified that on the 5th day of September, A. D. 1877, and at the April term, A. D. 1877, of the Circuit Court of Jackson countv.

State of Missouri, silling at Kansas City, the following among other orders was made by said court in the above entitled cause: "And It is ordered by tile court that Nathaniel Thayer, Sidney liartlett, James F. Jov. Charles F. Adams, Francis Bartlett, and The Union Trust Company, of New York, all of whom are non-residents of this State, and are the trustees iu certain mortgages anil deeds of trust upon the parcels of land herelnaf tc mentioned, be notified by publication of this order iu tiie Kansas City Timks, a uewhtianei published and of central circulation in 1TUATION WANTED BY A P.OY OF 12 OR Office Boms, 7 :30 a. m.

to 5 :30 p. m. 12:30 p. m. to 1:30 p.

m. tickets, go to the Eluded Ho. el Railroad Ticket Office. H10K SALK 100 FEET FRONT ON BEST part 01 P11111 st-eef runnine thiousrh to 14 year' ot age, to make hiinsell generally useful inquire at 221 Maiu fctieet (bag fac- Jefferson an opportunity for soine person to lory) kAMH.ii;,'. -r ii.

(1 a. i t-r- emr. i. 1 car 7 secure tne nett resilience lot the eil y. pOR SALE OR TRADE 4 BILLIARD TA-X bles and one fifteen-ball table, all complete.


2. Missouri avenue. 1.10R ALE A COTTAGE. 6 ROOMS; 1 lot 80x112 feet: tine shrubbery and good locution. Worth will tnke $2,500 if sold in ten days.

W. r. LITTLE CO. wl.o has ield vaii us positions of trust and confidence lor the fast ten years, wants a situation, is a pood penman and account ant. Wilt an vwhere.

Refereucos given. Address otliee. OR SALE OR iXCHANGE A GOOD HORSE W. T. LITTLE CO.

QUOTATIONS. Extra native steers, av. 1,400 to 1 ,500 1.75 Prime, uv. to 1, 4.50 Kail- to k'u. av.

1,150 to 1.30O fin and buggy. he ntlielai tM. P. way and do ila express a tSt. K.

C. N. way East. St. L.

K. C. 4 N. M. K.

via Moberly tH. 81. Joe, way and "If. A St. Jtie, express tChicaro S.

W. 8:00 am 12 a 8:00 a 12:00 am 8 :00 a 8 :00 a 12:00 a in in 4 100 a iu 3:50 pm in 8:50 pm 4:30 3:50 10:30 No. 2 Missouri ave. said Jacksou countv, tor three cousecuUve weeks report of yesterday. Rjard 5.00 (di.

5 4.50 iS3.eo HlT? tt A I IS -K7C 4' 1 1 TL" CUTUATION WANTKD-BY A CARPENTER inor to tue day or vctoncr, ibv, to appear efore this court, at the court house in Kausus Citv. I Native feeUcrs. av. l.OOoto and Joiner, one ho i as hud eijhi years ta. on said eighth day of October, 1877, and show uuggy cueap 101 casu.

W. T. Little Co. cxperioi cc in building, can eive lecommun- bid: 1.150 3.50 Native si uekers, av. 800 to WKfjTKR-V.

dations. not much ot an obieet as 1 ear to getsturted in business. Address POR SALE A SECOND HAND OPEN BUG-i- gy, nearly as eocd fts new. Innuire of 3.12ii'.3.37K 2.75 r3.o0 BOX 1 ,237, oity "LX)U SALE WE HAVE MIME VERY DESIR-l idile dwellings, both large and small, offered at lairand low prices. FRAXSblX.

lOR SALK LOT 24X100 JEET. WITH I frame he-use, on near Ft. Scott shops; $450. HARRISON PLATT, Over Poatofflee. POR SALE A NUMBER OF SMALL, NEAT, tasty residences in nice neigh bornoods at low figures, on easy payments.

W. II. CRADDOCK CO. Native cows, extra. eows, bur to Native eows, scalawag Corn-fed Te.xas steers, good JVlo.

way aud tllo. Pacific, f-K. m. .1. ('.

tK. St. J. A C. 11., exp.

D. 'Kansas Pac nc, way GEO. B. SANFORD, Dentist, 605 Main street. a 10:30 a in 8:00 am 10:00 pm 8:00 aw 8:00 a 10:30 :00 am 9:25 a SITUATION WANTED-RV AN EXPEKI- 2.40 2.00 3.60 mber and lcto-i Ilejeced eath, eneed aeeonntant, thorom bly understand-inir German and French and bookkeeping, as POR SALE ONE FIFTY, ONE FORTY AND J.

two thirty horse-power engines, with or SOUTH west. i' susas City Ory Goods Market. Prints Robes, 7Xe; Pinks, 7c; Solids, 7S 74e; Standards, Garners, (ic; Sbii ttngs, lSe. It now Sheetinos Atlantic, Xc; In diuon head, 4-4 8X-; NasUville, A A 8 4c be; Lawrence, IJj, 6Xe; badger, LL, 6Xe wight Anchor, 1-1 fine, Pepere.l, It, 8e; l'eperel, 40-in, 9c. Uleaciiku W'amsutta, 11.

13c, Fruit of the Loom, 10c; Hope, SXe; Penbody, 8c; New- Jersey, 7c; Nassau. Sc. Ducks Arlington Brown, lixc; Champion Twilled, 14 Xe; Lewiston Plain snipe, 15c; Lewlston Cheek, 15ic; Arlington f'vncy Stripe, 17c. Cambrics Roll, 6Xe; Flat, 6c; High Colonic higher. co*ksiiT Jeans Nfiurrikeag, 10Xc; Pember-ton, 9Xc; Sutfolk, 9Xe.

Ticks Amoskeag ACA, 17c; Lewlston, do 36-ln, 18c; do plidd, lc; AA, 15e; Conistosca Gold Medal, 15c; do CCA, 12Xe; Cordis, No. 1, 19e; 9c. Checks Economy, 12 Xe; Anierteus, llXc; Caledonia No. 70, 16o; Park 100, 17e. Denims Boston, 6Xc; Cordis XX, HXc; OtisBH, 16c; Clark's, 20c.

Cheviots Arlington, 8X'r9c; Evretts, 12Xc; Amoskeag, 12Xc. Stkipes American blue, 10 lie; Glasgow, 6-3, 14c; Alabama, 6-3, brown, 12XC. Ginghasis Amoskeag, 9e; 9c Renfrew, 9e; South wark, 8c. cn-r. spending clerk, bookkeeper, or will ac without boiler; alse on portable eight horse tit i.

60 W2.25 W3.25 (a 2.40 fc3.50 (S3. 00 (a 2.O0 cept any employment an office, (tore or THIS Oil power, will sell at bankrupt prices. waretKuse; iiive unexceptional references. iorti-ua lexas steers, me- dium 3.00 Coin-ted eows, prime 2.5o Corn-led cows, iair to 2.00 Native oxen 3.00 Native oxen, foir to 2.50 Nntive bulls 1.50 d. 19- a-ked; neiobiT, 17c JOHN A.

MOORE. Address A Times office. fMo. R. Fl.

S. A Gulf, 'Jio. Ft. 8. A Gulf, expF.

t-L. L. G. wav K. T.

T. 8. Fe 'Mail for Westport. Mo Mall for V. yaiidoite in 5-00 pm 11:00 am 8:00 am 9:25 am 12:30 pm 10:30 am 8 :00 am 9 :00 a in 2 :30 a in 4 :00 a FOR SALE CHEAP TWO GOOD SECOND-nand ton busrzies.

Inonire at tho St. SITUATION WANTED BY ONE WHO HAS urge experi ce in the flour and irrain FOR SALE FRAME RESIDENCE ONri3xu, near Broadway at a bargain. HARRISON PLATT, Rooms 3 and 4, over Post-office. .1. 50 bid, James Livery Stab le FOR SALE.

trade all over the Easr. and South; best of refereiii given immediate emplox-munt the first object; address D. Times P1 Calves, eaen Milch eows, each Wintered Texas steers Wintered Texas, cows Native yearlings per Iocs This market was IjlOR SALE A SPLENDID SET OF CARPEN-ter's tools by YERTES, the boss churn man, at the Main Street House, chean for 5.00 GIO.OO 25.00 fa 35.00 3.00 3.25 2.25 IS2.75 11.00Q13.00 active aud about i. U-s bid, 3iic aked. bid, VA'tc arked; bu.

at PGR SALE FINE RESIDENCE ON JEFFER-x son street, near 9th, chean and on easy terms. HARRISON A PI ATT, Rooms 3 and 4. over Post office. i. CMSll.

SITUATION WANTED P.Y A GENTLEMAN a teacher of lame exnerifnee and libera Nine herds mixed cattle, on buffalo grass, IjlORSALE LARGE LOT OF SECOND-HAND machinery, engines, boilers, mill machine near culture in the sci-nces and classics. Address 'TEACHER, Times office. ry, pulleys, shafting, hangers, Ac. Apply to John A. Moore, dealer in second-hand ma POR SALE WE HAVE A 20-ACRE TRACT J- in citv limits, on the West Side, which we an now sell so thnt a party laying out an addition can make 100 per cent.

Apply to HARRISON PLATT, Over Post-office. lower, the average of the day's sales being something under $4.70. There was little competition among buyers, packers taking the ofl'erings. IIOO SALES. ta -nth, bid, Sic asked.

3. i (m-h. i'- Sid, r' a-ked Sep-Xr-rMT, r- bid, 2 -c aoked. 2 ta-ii. l.i:.'; bid, airl; :r.Nr.

bid. aktd. Niv. f-n. bid, asked; "nt i-u.

r. T1. bid, $1.03 asked; las- chinery, No. 2 East Levee. FEMALES.

(A) Through pouches for Lee's summit, Sedali. Jefferson Citv and liolden. IB) Through pouches for Liliem and Hannibal; also, makes connection with 1 oietio. abash A Western and Chicago, Burlington A Ouincy, at Vuincy. and with mail train from Lafavette to Toledo, aiid there with the Lightning Express East.

(C) Through pouches for Leavenworth and Atchison. (D) St. Joseph, Council Bluff3, Omaha and Union Pacific Railroad. (E) Through pouches for Lawrence and Topeka. (r) Through pouches for Olailie, l'aola aud Fort Scott.

G) Express via Fort Scott Gulf R. R. Through pouches for i Haihe, I'aola aud Fort Scott. All terminal points supplied by tkrouch pouches evening trains. Dally.

tDaiiy except Sniidav. ffally eTcent Saturday Tlltlu. S. tahE, P. M.

Kamas City, Dec. 1 1S76. SJl I AiiO.N ANTJiD 151 AM kj ed housekeeper. Good references ttiven. Vt.

Av Address Mrs. J. GLEN, 'l imes 4. nice. No.

pOR 8 ALE TO NURSERYMEN AND DEAL--L ers wanting apple ock, for fall or spring deliveries, I have a supply of the best No, 1 stock and of tne bett varieties, and true to name 1 and 2 years old also, hedge plants at cheap ratps, wholesale. Address ROBERT EIXIS, KANSAS, On the Kansas Pacific Road. About 4,000 steers, 4 to 6 yearsold. 1,600 3 years old. 1,100 2 500 1 1,400 cowa, 3 to 6 years old.

900 heifers, 2 years old. 300 heifers. 1 250 saddle ponies. A portion of these cattle were wintered near Price. 4.75 No.

Av. M't. 50 206 32 285 CITUATION WANTED BY A YOUNG LADY' k5 either as com-1st or saleslady in some pOR SALE 50 LOTS NOW OFFERED FOR 1 the first time, situated on Oak, Locust, Cherry and Holmes streets, being some of the best building lots in the city. For further particulars apply to "HARRISON PLATT. Over Postoffice.

40 252 it. jl aeu; the year, Triee. 4.70 4.70 4.65 4.70 4. 70 4.65 270... 340...

249... 260... 269... 266... 50 63 47 54 20 store can give good references.

Address 61. Watson, Lee's Summit, Mo. 4.65 4.7o 4.65 L. southeast 1 orner 13th and Walnut 294.... 49..

sts. Xo. 4 cash, sold i I 1.02: Scp- FOR SALE SHORT-HORN CATTLE, BPRK-shire and Poland hoe-, and dealer in hiarh cause, it any tney nave, way an order saouid not be made requiring the clerk ot this court to pay over to The HanUbal St. Joseph 10 1 road Company the following amouuts assessed by the coiuuussioners apnol ted in this cause, to- wit The sum of nine hundred and ten (y 101 dollars, assessed for the taking of a portion of lot- seventeen (17), eighteen (18), nineteen (19), twenty (20). twenty-one (21), twentv-two (22), twenty-three (23), and iwentv-four (24), in block lo.ty-tliree (43), of Turner" Co.

's addition to the City of Kansas, in the county of Jackson, and State of Missouri the sum of tweny-eight hundred and seventy (2870) dollars, assessed by said commissioueis for the takiug of the tracts 4f laud situate in said Jackson couuly. aud described as ful ows, to-wit: Lots one (1). two (2), three (3, four (4). five (5), and six (61. of block No.

forty-two (42), of Turner Co. 's addition to the City ot Kansas; one hundred aud forty (140) dollars. for the taking of the tract of laud situate In said Jackson county, described as follows: Beginning at a point iu the west boundary line of the nortueast quarter of section six (b), township forty-nine (4y), ot range thirty-three C33), said point being niuety feet south of the southeast corner of lot No. six (6). of block No.

forty-two (42), of Turner A addition to the City of Kansas; theuce running south along taid line fifty (50) feet; thence uortheasteily fi ty-seven (37) feet to a point due east of the point of beginning, and twenty-seven and one-half (27l-2) feet therefrom; and thence west twenty-seven and one-half (27M) feet to the poiut of beginning; the suiuof iwent-oue thousaud seven hundred (21, .00) dollars, assessed by said commis.ioneis for taking two undivided thirds ot a tract of laud in said ack-son county, ilescrilied as follows; Beginning at a point in the west boundary line of the oruieast quarter of section six (6). township fortv-nine (19). of range thirty-three (33), which point" Is an angle Iu th south line of Union avenue, and one hundred and tweuty (l20)feet east from the southeast corner of Union avenue an Santa Ke sireet; theuce running south on said west line two hundred and fiftv (2C0) feet; thence cast aud at right angles to aid west line twenty-seven and one-hal 27f5) feet; thence angling to the left and runinug northeaster-hand parallel with Lnlon avenue, ani' two hundred and six (206) feet therefrom, eight hundred and fortA-uine and 8-10) feet; thence turning an angle of twenty-one degrees aud forty minutes to the le ft and running northeasterly ti ree hundred and nine ami sevi u-teiuli? (MOil 7-10) fi it: thence running westerly sixty-eivht degrees and thirty minuies.with the last mentioned line, one hundred and twenty-five and one-hall (120ii) feet to an uivle iu the south line of Union avenue; and thence southwestern along the somh line of Union avenue nine hundred and eight anil se en-tenths (t08 7-10) feet to the point of beginning; the sum of three thousand and ten (3.010) dollars, assessed bv said commissioners for the taking of a tract of lano in s.ihi Jackson county, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning ai a point where the south line of Union avenue intersects mid crosses the north line of the right of way of tne Kansas t.ny Cameron Kailtoad. a corporation crc.uied and formerly e.xit-ing under the laws of the Slate of Missouri," which right of way Is now that ol the Hannibal St. Joseph Railroad Compauv; thence southwesterly along tiie south line of said Union avenue tour hundred and forty-three (41) feet to an angle in said south line, which is the northwest corner of the tract last above described Ithenci easterly and on an angle with said last mentioned line ol hlty-seven degrees, and along the north line of said tract last above described one hundred (100) feet: anil thence northeasterly three hundred and nineiy-four (yy4) feet to the point of beginning: and the sum of twenty-one hundred and seventy (2170) dollars, assessed by said commissioners for the taking of a tract of land in said Fort Concho all in good order; many fat enough for market.

t-Ui'-X, 'id er- at -fj QUOTATIONS Packers Muckers POR SALE WE HAVE A FEW CHOICE 1 residence lots at very reasonsble prices, which we will bo pleased to show anv desiring to purchase. uaNNON gi tide Kentucky cattle address J. D. Duckworth, crtc Stewart Ward's horse and mule stables, Kansas Citv, o. Ht no JSfflAITTED.

604.73 4.004.40 ed XixiCrAL NOTICES. To Grain Shippers. French Kansas City, and 62 South street, Baltimore, exclusively commission merchants (grain only) advance liberally on consignments, to Kansas City, Baltimore, New York, Toledo, CM- nr St. Louis. POB SALE HOTEL, 1 URN IT 'RE AND 1 lease; i as a good run of cbbtom; address P.

O. Box 210, Newton, -nORSALK C1IKAP THE Fl'UMTl'HE AND good will of lie best a dny hous-e in the city. A rare chance to the ristht num. v. t.

No. 2 Missouri live. POR SALE 12 PICTURE CARDS, COMIO, Apply on the range at Ellis to WM. B. GEIMES, Or address, Kansas City, Mo.

Ol.OEK OF PI HLICATION STATE iib tiu- WANTED TO KNOW THAT W. ii. Craddock it Co. have customeia wh cash and splendid improved fcnd unimproved tj andcoun ry property toe- change lor all manner of mtreiiaiidie stocks: we i 11 1 tuiaii'uBiui stamp; q- dress Frank Jordan, Natlck, Mass. soui i.

County of Jackson, ss: In the Circuit Court of Jackson County, Missouri, held at Kansas Citv. POR SALE HOUSE OF 7 ROOMS, GOOD I barn, corner lot, choice location, on Penn avenue price $4 ,500 $1 ,000 cash balance in 1,2, and 3 years, at 8 per cent. Apply to ARRISON PLATT. Tfee i.rr' a lejtur; ol lihn vtys: i-J'j pv.i,pf-t;e vieid give April lenn, itli day of April. 177.

Marv A. make quirk sales; no riclav wlten stocks are FOR SALE FORFEITED PLEDGES AT AO tual consistine of watched, chains. Huniiard vs. Octave haunte a 15 DR. W.

C. HAMILTON leti with us. W. H. CRADDO CO.

MX. ewelry, clothing. Jtc. Money to loan at S. S.

BAKER'S Loan Office, 424 Main st. plaintiff, by tier at tomevg. and showa to the court by the return of the Sheriff to ihe summons Issued in tins cause, that the defendant herein has not been summoned, and that he can not be found in the Countv or and stale of Treats Chronic and Special Diseases. A TED PU -CKASEUS FOR THE states 01 Texas and Nebraska for the light to manufacture tiie famous cr fly patent pOR SAI LOTS ON DRII'P STREET, $250 each half cash balance In 1 year. HARRISON PLATT.

I rt-: ft 1 it- POR SALE 10 PIANO-BOX TOP BUGGIES, J- 8 phastons and 4 extension too nhaatons a ii per cent, of an ver-t i-Sri. jier a a estimated the state is v.itii-u ratiM, among the great duTerenee and on lo.v jtei is often 518 Kansas City. PltEK.P Market steady- Tbere were sold Colorado improved muttons, average 91 lbs, at per ewt. QUOTATIONS. Fair to choice $2 n3 3 00 Common to fair 1 CHICAGO CATTLE.

Thursday's report, states there was a quiet market, for cattle again to-day, the demand on shipoiog account being meagre. The receipt were moder itelv large, 4,380 making, however, some 5,000 less than for the snme time last week. The quality continues of about the same general average, not good. Values were weak and easy, with sales to shippers at $4.00 for common to $3.80 for extra choice steers, with onlv one (20 stone, now so extensively used In I v. 1..

said dele ndaut not appearing to this ai lion, it 'is by the Con rt ordered that publication be ade In the St. Loins, and throughout lliluois and Kan ht POR SALE LOTS IN JARBOE'S ADDITION, I ut from $150 to S60O. rare chance for bargains fo- 30 days. Call at 928 Main or at the St. Jan es Livery Stable.

W. H. PLUM. SMALL CAPITAL WILL HlV sas tor building purposes, ornainenrini? iiariMo i n) ii.MKs, a uen-snapcr printed and published in tin-i-onmv of Jack, on and sute of Ml. FOR SALK A a No.

1 gror orciy stand, good location. Ad- ARRISON PLATT. said defendant, thai, the buildings, laying pavements, foundations for Iron tei.ees, etc. send for ci-culars, idioto- i Wj 0 i. I it.

U.f Times otiite dross Absolute, auletlv obtsined in thirty davs foi TJIOR SALE YOU HAVE PLEVTYOF TIME either before or after x-isitimr Barnum's the counMes a irreaier or less de- Hied her petition In the Court of Jackson count) State of Missouri, at Kansas City, against the defendant to recover her dower in the fol RIGH'I TO USE AND TlOIt SALE TUB incompatibility, adultery desertion cru lty pOR SALE LOTS ON NINTH STREET, 1 West Kansas, from $325 to $600. Part ca9h balance on time. vend to others, to be used, i'at- non support, ana otner causes, ttesiaence lowing ues. real estate In the county of Jackson and s.t.te of i in-wio T.r.t. ent Well Autrer.

within find for the county of unnecessary. Advice free, t-end for circular. graphs, etc. This lioelap-trap affair usually thrown on the market by pat-nt riht vender throughout the country, but will at sght recommend itself to a thinking man as being worth a fortune to him it properly handled. Will take property in etry or good farm hind.

W. Ii. CllADlr C'K A CO. HARRISON A PLATT. great show to look through my stock of forfeited pledges, consisting of.

gold and silver watches, sets of fine Jewelry, rings of all kinds and sizes, pistols, guns and clothing, at astonishingly low prices. I will soil any article ray wnen oivorced. correspondence witn bt 1- eleven and twelve i I anil 1' ami tni-iv iilfii Clay, in the State of Missouri. A splendid epportiinirv for some one. to the A of the TIM K8 ee.

the legal prcfessP invired 10K SALE BUSINESS LOT OPPOSITE Union Depot. HARRISON PLATT. off of the north slue of Lot Number thirteen (13), in Block three (3) of addition to the City of Kansas, and that unless be n- av. 1.527 li-) at the latter priue. A lot of 10, av.

lbs, sold at $0.00. Aside, from A. j. uiixiaiic, Room Tribune Building, New York. 11 my store during lair week at actual cost.

SUllIiRiUH, pearon th. lirst day of trie next term of this court, to tie lie'nn and held at the Court-House. In thu want and must have money. S. S.

BAKER. Loan Office. wanted citizens an strangers to iV buy books and stntiorev at letter OMNIB-US city of Kansas, county of Jackson and Slate of Mis JL vntor situate'1 in the est producing section of Kansas, 85 miles from city. Inqiiiie of R. C.

CKOWELL CO. 424 Main street, opposite Market Square. I'MISALE A GOOD FRUIT FARM OF SEVEN acres at a great bargain, Io rated nr. the open trom 7 in the morning till 11 at night. souri, on i tie second Monua in October, A.

D. 13 i 7, It being the Mil dav of said month, and nro- man's, 925 Msi-i st and thus aid 1 he library and fun. rt tiding room enterprise; library opens at 7 a. and closes at 9 p. ui.

southeast corner of Westport, not over three IjlOR SALE DK. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS restore the secretions, remove obstruc miles lroin Jvi nsas i liy. Apply to DR. PALMER, Westport, Mo. LIOR SALE OR RKNT A GOOD FLOURING i mill.

Apply to J. N. 11ARG1S SON, Eel-ton, Mo. AND FREIGHT TEANSFEE 00. these there were no sales worthy of mention to shippers.

There was a very fair demand for stork steers, and liberal sales were made at to generally at $3.10 to One lot of 12S, av. 805 lbs, at $3.25. City butchers were biijing to a fair extent, for common cows to $3.75 for trood grades. Colorado steers sold at to with one lot of CO, av. 1,817 lbs, at Closing dull.

ceed to trial herein, judgment wdl be tendered against him by default, it is further ordered that this order shall be published for four weeks successively, ihe last insertion to be four weeks before the first day of the next terui of this court. UrANTED ALL, THOSE WI HING TO PUR-1 chase, sell or trade any kind of cook or tions, and change the diseased organic action nto a nea tny one. heating stoves, carpets, clothing, guns, pis- GROCERY STOCK, FIXTURES, T710R SALE Office, 413 Delaware Street' 50 audits, can do better than at anv and irood will in this city, with good inn A BARGAIN $175 WILL BUY A SIDE BAR 1 Brewster top buggy, as eood as new. poll SALE WE HAVE -A NUMBER OF splendid suburban houses which are now being offered at greatly rsdueed prices. Bargains can be had.

nil and examine our list. CANNON FRANKLIN. other place by calling at the con cr of 8th a true copy. Attest: ti" s.J WALLACE LAWS, Clerk. Bv J.

S. CHASE, D. C. Thomson Kaov. Attvs for Pitt.

of trade. Apply to HARRISON PLATT. and Mam opposi Eaton drug store. Can be seen at our office. Stable, Comer Tenth and Broadway.

L. DRAGON. Gen. Sunt t-. cr ufi.

in Muor l'autirs the n.l'iri.i- 'avorable fr bringing the i. it.c Ifce iniportsut Jaeu l.r,i-." i the pre-ebt report i-, Jl. fc I- ItU Ulf couutit situ-t j. i- itxm a ss the great "Corn 'tW of I be crop does not r-f. taitter wbico will tell 'v ia itn- -ujiiniiuir up of the re- t.

1' i in tiie but tivrr jirt rj vT a average. fr ritual aud contact r. :i.e is our Male are sever Leard duting the whole jc and that was that bmt rage crop, cx- fSf-J I. ioCk.i'.llS. N.

s.ys; tt' -s luxe birn f.rcfl up by a u.t the farmers are ta. irsn-i! as sawn by r.i -rijrti the West, over r'M-tved at live prtn-ai rl, I hire artse another h.l tiipper havestop- 1 lr aud are now seHiusr i ir.r wl ui Li and recbarter-i ta'litr tmn ship them. H-; XTnrt rrioveoi' iit of lient w.t W. LITrLE A CO.

ANTED A PI ANO, SOME PROPERTY' AND SOmec.HFll. JOHN A. MOORK. IN i ill (Utiii iir ty. at Kansas Ciiy, Missouri October tenn.


E. Neal, plaintiff, against 11. H. Hkile. TAN TED EVERY" PERSON" INTERESTED Juliett estern.

Lne.v Western Kh.i Woccn, pOR SALE CHEAP OR WILL EXCHANGE JL for good farm, a fine suburban home; 2X acres, line sluubery and eood frame house wiili 9 rooms, good stuble and all necessary out-houses; located on Independence avenue. Wr. T. LITTLE CO. in cgncii tend implements to examine.

TRUSTEE'S SALE. WHEREAS. DANIEL io exchange- run ties' Check Row Auromatic l'lunt- For Sale. 2,000 head of Colorado grade stock Sheep, all wethers, from two to three years old and tip. The sheep are at or near Xewton, Kansas.

For particulars call on A. P. Vilson, at the ortiee of Johnston, Ilarding Uooius and 19, Stock Exchange. no. 1.

Stock of uueensware. Missouri. Browu and Mary Brown, nla wile, by their certain deed of trust, dated the 20tk day of April, 1876, er, on exhiint'on at the lair grounds. uuuc aj, irnuer, ana ii arner u. ruler, defendants.

Now, at this dav comes J. E. Neal, the plaintiff, by his attorneys In the above entitled cause, before the undersigned irir $20,000. a. seock 01 ooots and shoes, Missouri.

OST YOU WILL LOSK MONKY IF YOTT DO 1J not call and purcha-o some of the great bnrstainsl am otferinglorthis week only, ton-sisling of gold and silver watches, nsts, sets of je'weby, diamonds, pistols, clothing, and everything usually found in a lirst-clu-s pawn st op. Come and be convinced. Lmehii business. I must have money, s. S.

Raker's Otliee, 42 1 Ittun street, opfOiite ilarket WANT ED VERYRODY TO KNOW TH AT tV Spalding's College of ttis Circuit Court of Jackson rniinw. in 000. 3. Stock of hats and caps, Missouri. and recorded in tDe Recorder's otliee of Jackson County, in Deed Book 18, page 255, conveyed to the undersigned trustee all their right, title, inter-eat and estate In and to the following described real estate situated in the County of Jackson, State of Missouri, vi.

Lots fifteen (15) and sixteen (16) la Block thirty-eight (38) In Turner Addition city, ott rs unsui pu-sed facilities and liberal rate to nil who desire special Instruction In 000. vocation. and tiles his petition, stating among other things that the above-named defendants, II. H. Skilea, Juliett U.

Western, Lucy Western, Elgie Western, Fanny U. Grider, Judge Grider. aud arner tT. l-lridcr. are noTi-roslilrita Knell 11 and comu ercial blanches.

lor temiij, tafl at the coliegrt, or address. son county, described as follows, to-wit: Beginning at a point where the south line of Union avenue in tersects aud crosses the north line of the right of way of said Kansas City Cameron Railroad, which point of beginning is the northeast corner o' the tract of land last above described; Iheni soutii-westeily three hundred and nmcty-Xuur (3U-1 leet along the line of said right of way and the eastern line of said tract last above described to a point, one hundred (100) feet easterly from an angle in the sonuillncof Union avenue, and to the Southeast corner of the tract hist above di scribed; thenew easterly on an angle of sixty-nine degrees with said last mentioned line, and along the north line of the tract of land last but one above described twenty-live and one-half (25 li) feet to the-northeast corner of said tract of land last but one above described; thence northeasterly on an anple on the left hand of one hundred and eleven degrees and thirty iniuiitrs with said last mentioned line four hundred and ninety-six (496) feet; thence westerly and at right angles to the last mentioned Kne thirty (30) feet to a point iu the northerly boundary line of said right of way; and thence somwoste-lj' along said last mentioned boundary line of said right of way one hundred aud seven (107) fei to ihe point of beginning; and that in default of ilieir appearing and showing snch cause, such order will be made, and they shall be forever barred from setting up or as-sertiug any claim to such amounts assessed as damages. la testimony whereof I hereto subscribe my name and aftix the seal of said court this 5th day of September, A. D. 1877.

WALLACE LAWS, Clerk. Square. of this Stale. It is, therefore, ordered bv the clerk .1. Si ALDlNi-r, A.

President. Night Sc hool will comu enee Oct 1st. 4. Stock of drags, Missouri, $2,800. 5.

Stock of jewelry, Missouri, $2,500. 6. Stock of drugs, Missouri, $3,510. 300. Stock of hardware, Ohio, $7,000.

807. Stock of groceries, Ohio, 80S. Sti ck of clothing, Sc. Louis, $20,000. 311.

Stock of dryEoods and clothing. St. aforesaid in vacation, that publication be made notifying them that an action has been commenced S1EAYED. against them by petition in the Circuit Court of Jackson county, in the State of Missouri, the object VST ANTED IF YOU HAVE AGliiCULTURAL VV Implements, wagons, buggies, or any i st tae Vro- a ai1 to tne city ot Kansas, la said county or Jackson, which said conveyance Mas made in trust to secure the payment of a certain promissory note in said deed described and whereas, the Interest on said note has become due and Is unpaid; and whereas, said deed of trust provides that if the Interest is not paid on said note when it becomes due, then the trustee may proceed to sell said property; now, therefore, in accordance with the provision of said deed ot trust, and at the request of the legal holder of said note, the undersigned MBistee will proceed to sell the above described real estate at the Court- Louis, $100,000. thing in ihat lir 011 exhibition and do it care to ship hotnn, call ou us, we can give you a trade for them.

POR ALE 36 ACRES, HOOD BRICK RESI-jl deuce, barn and or'hard, adjoining Wyandotte, Kan at bed -rock prices; terms easy. Apply to L. 11. WOOD, Agent, Wyandotte, Ksn. POR SALE-SUBURBAN LANDS Ao'ro lots in South Side subdivision on Westport road.

3 acres, good brick dwelling, near Westport. 4 acres on 1 8th st. with hoiij-e line orchard. 5 acres on Independence avenue. 5 acres near Orphans' Home.

acres on 12th street. fi acres, 1 mile from city; Improvements. 49 acres near Westport; very rich lands. 60 acres on Independence avenue. 160 acres of timber land on T.

S. F. U. R. 9 miles from city.

200 acres 011 Mo. S. G. R. 6 miles from city; clear and part timber; plenty of water.

C. W. BRYAN, 1 3 West Fifth street. 250. stock 01 groceries, iinio, $2,500.

240. Stock of eeneial drv sroods. Ohio. $8,000. QTOLEN $25 EEWA RD SEPTEMBER 13, io from Grand Pass township, Saline county, Mo a three-year-old (lark i ay horse, about 15 hands, has a distemper mark under the jaw, a scar on tho ight side (on the thort ribs) persons bringing information that shall lead to his recovery shall receive the atove reward; address J.vs.

Otuen, Waverly, La-favette countt Mo. X. LlTTl.i; i5 UO. No. 2 Missouri avenue.

mm K'-iiprai Lsmre ui wuicuis io procure decree vesting all the interest, title, and estate of tin defendants In and to the following described real estate in the said plaintiff and they be compelled to execute a deed to said plaintiff therefor, said property being described as follows, to-wit: Lot number ten (10). block number nine (9), in Skilea St. Western's AddiUon to the City of, Jackson county. State of Missouri, said deed to be executed to said property in accordance with a written contract en 246. stock 01 clothing and niece goods.

Ohio, $7,000. House door in the Citv of Kanses. In the County of 271. Ktock of tmeensware ana buUdinsr. WANTED SOMEBODY I1A MY PA KON-VY tologv of Upper Missouri," r-v Meek.

Please return it. W. IT. REED. Ohio, $6,000.

Jackson, State aforesaid, to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, on WEDNESDAY, the 12tli day of September, 1877, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock In the after 273. stock ot boots ana shoes ana buua- ing, Michigan, $3,600. tered into between said plaintiff and J. F. Kinney, and daied September 14, 1869, the attorney in fact of defendants, H.

II. Skilea and one W. Western, under and through whom said riefenrimils. WANTED EVERYBODY' THAT HAS ANY-VV thing to sell or trade to call 011 us. We can tit them out.

noon of that day, to satisfy said note, together with the cost and expense of executing this trust. t' tb on grain K'u eT.v'i niiiec fibrusuy 1, ln rjf nt.iJ f.r'i'y, rvt IS diiys, 2c fwt Ci4 1 ft Uaj s. lc bushel; m- 1 -t 3 1st JX-r I ilhl.el. tor the saio of grain fc t--. t.

onts and rye. If Larky, p-r bushl. I.t -n ti iiif iw'ard c-( Trade, tlia cu fc-rajn nwlwil and sold in on- in kiiivj -ty. au to be paid by the It Hour Market, i.u3. stock otnardwaie, $20,000.

1.043. Stock of woolens, $20,0000. 1.044. Stock of general dry goods, $2,500. 1.C47.

Stock of cloths, SI 0.000. u. i'. iiuctvcssj, trustee. DtTNLAP A Fheeman, Atty's.

Dated this 21st dav of August. 1877. Kansna City and Mule Market. The following are the current: quotations in this market QUOATIOAS. horses.

Auction horses and ponies, 20J 50 Auction horses aud ponies, extra 401 75 Plug horses, very common 20 SO Plug horses, lair 85 50 Plug horses, extra 50 60 Plain heavy workers 75 85 Good heavy workers 85100 Fair to extra heavy workers 1003 15 Broke Mai ex. Mules 18. to 14 hands high 47 55 Muli 14 to UK hands high 65 65 Mules 14 to 144 hands high, ext. 85 90 Mules 14 ii to 15 hands high 85 95 Mules 14i4 to 15 hands hitch, ext. 90105 Mules 15 to 15H hands high 110(8125 Mules 15 to 15 hands high, ext.

120130 Mules 154 to 16 hands nigh 135150 K. C. Pro-vision Markets. The following are the current jobbing quotations in this market, car lots special rates: Dry Meats Shoulders, BHc; clear Bides, 7He; pickled hams, in tierces, 9Hc. Choikk LARD Tierce lard, 9Xc; liail-bbl, lard, 10c; 40-ib can lard, 160 to case, tc; 20-lb can lard, 120 to case, 95c; 10-lb pall lard, 60 to case, lOJic; 5-lb pail lard, 60 to ease, 11c; 3-lb pail lard, 86 to case, 1 1 hie reiiued lard Xc higher.

SxotiF.o Meats suar-cured hams, 10Kc; .1., .1.1 1 1 1.,...... 1 I I i rt CITRATE I) TAKEN UP ON OU ABOUT THE 2 ttli of August 1877, ad posted before Esquire 11. lltsle, of New Santa Fe, September 6th, one bay mare-poijy, 14 hands high, blind of one eye. The owner is re quested to come forward, prove property, pay cha gen, and take her away, or she will be disposed of according to law. JAS.

A. R1PPETOB, Taker-up. W. T. LITTLE Brokers, No.

2 Missouri avenue. Juliett U. Western, Lucy Western, Elgie Western, Fanny U. Grider, Judge L. Grider, and Warner U.

Grider, claim title to said real estate, and that unless they be and appear at the next term of the said Circuit Court, to be begun and held at the court DOR SAXE-L sas. 1,049. Stock of oil paintings, $20,000. 1,051. Stock of general merchandise.

-LOTS IN KANSAS CITY, KAN-HARRISON PLATT. ORDER OF PUBLICATION IN THE PROBATE ooc. 1,052. Stock of general hardware. WANTED PARTIES HAVING STOCK AT the Exposition, who do not care to take them home, to call on us.

We can trade ttiem some good land In Missouri or Kansas for them. W. T. LITTLE COUNTRF. 000.

Court of Jackson county, at Kansas Citi Mo. term, A. D. 1877. Estate of Nehemiah Holmes, deceased, John A.

Loughridge, administrator de bonis non. Now, on this 21st day of August, A. D. 1877, comes said administrator, and submits to court proof, and the court finds that the order of 1,053. Stock of Babbitt metal, all sizes.

BO.AB.23IKXJ. $10,000. nouse in tne city or Kansas, on the second MONDAY In October, 1877, It being the eighth (8th) day of the month, aud on or before the third day of aald term, answer or plead to the said petition, the same will be taken as confessed and Judgment rendered therein, and a decree grauted lu accordance with the prayer of said petit on. It Is further ortlered that a copy hereof be published in the Kansas Cit" Times, a newspaper published in said Jackson No. 2 Missouri avenue.

Tie tf'e etirn nt quolations ir. isrUet to-day: "1 JO Alt DING BOARD CAN BU HAD AT 709 publication mane rerun at tne May term. 18 1, oi this court Upon the petition of said administrator asking for an order tor the sale ot certain real estate WANTED LIVE STOCK I AM Pl KARED to winter from 150 to 200 head of stock ihiicv branis, S2.90; Alay st. 1, oat. jBonosot ail kinds, $200,000.

Enclose stamp for paiticulars. W. II. CRADDOCK A CO. Room 7, Chamber of Commerce.

1.046. Magnificent hotel in Kansas Citv fore nii. XX. 12.00; Eye of said deceased therein described Is insufficient, iu cattle, or will sell feed and furni4ilots forthe that it was not published for four consecutive weeks county, for four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least fiiur weeks before the commencement of the next term of said court. t.

aii. tiour,; oornineal, I'jop, ir cat, i5a.7oc; 11 if cwt, 5oc. above aununt; or lit sen ned at reasonable ices. Feeders will do well to address ff r. 1 br.

rrt BOARDING TO RENT A LARGE FRONT room, unfurnished, with board; suitable for two or three gentlemen, or gentleman and wife. Apply to 602 West Tenth street. woi. iv. i.uiun., Austin, ukss ceunry, uio.

A true copy. Attest: WALLACE LAWS, Clerk. Holmes tt Dean. Attorneys for Plaintiff. TRUSTEE'S SALE.

WHEREAS. WILLIAM A. a fine improved farm no encumberance on hotel. W. H.

CRADDOCK A Room 7, Chamber of Commerce. 1.054. 'Nice house, 9 rooms, good location, for improved farm, all clear. W. CRADDOCK A CO.

Room 7, Chamber of Commerce. WANTED BUYERS FOR CARRIAGES, VV barouches, phaetons, buggies, spring I i be fniii i f-riiia ruU5 now in v. IgbT, lbs to to rbat'iie xvitliout wagons, 40. to know that. I am lately in re-, ceipt ol a full supply of the same, and able 10 Benton and Mittie E.

Benton, his wife, by their cer FOR ALU FARMS-BY CANNON FRANK-lin, office 510 Delaware street: Farm, 400 acres, 14 miles from Kansas City 8.000 Farm, 380 acres, 12 miles from Kansas City 12.000 Farm, 250 acres, 15 miles from Kansas City 6,500 Farm, 500 acres, 35 miles from Kan sas City 10,000 Farm, 8 acres, 5 miles from Kansas City 4,000 Faun, 230 acres, 4 miles from Kansas City 10,000 Farm, 155 acres, 5 miles from Kansas City 6,200 Form, 265 acres, 5 miles from Kansas City 9,500 Farm, 80 7 miles from Kansas City 2,500 Farm, 68 acres, 5 miles bom Kansas ity 1,800 Particulars concerning the ubove will be furnished on application by CANNON F'RANKLIN, as by law and such previous order required it is. therefore, again ordered by the court, that all persons Interested In said estate be notified of the tiling of uch petition, and that unless the contrary be shown on the first day of the next NOVEMBKK term of this court, an order will be made for the sale of the whole, or so much of the real estate in said petition mtnuoned as will pay the debts of said deceased; and it Is further ordered, that a copy of this order be published In the Kansas City Dally Times, a newspaper printed and published in the City of Kansas, Jackson county, Missouri, for a period of four weeks successively, the last insertion to be at least twenty days before the fir't day of the said next November term of this court, until which time this cause is continued. pell a good vehicle at very reasonable prices. WANTED. BOARD WArED BY GENTLEMA AND wile (no children) board and lodging in a private family; west side preferred; iefi r-enees exchanged.

Address, giving location, L. 34. KAGE, Times oltiee. In the manufacture of this work we generally use the Olds A Sons' patent wheel, and invito the attention of the public to their "chal tain deed of trust, dated the 1st day of October, 1872, and recorded in the Recorder's office of Jackson county, In deed hook 101, page 189, conveyed to E. P.

Nicholson all their right, title. Interest and estate, in and to the following described real estate, situated iu the county of Jackson. State of Missouri, viz: Lot uunibered six (6), In block number eight spiced roll, 94c; shoulders, canvassed 6c; long clear sides, 7Xc; rib sides, 8o; clear sides, 8sc. TO EXCHANGE A NICE, NEW, CLEAN stock of dry goods and a beautiful home in South ern Michigan for a Southern Kansas farm, well Improved will amount to $8,000. W.

H. CRADDOCK A CO. lenge," appen len below. M. A.

Dehoney, iiAKitEi, MtT8 uoneless riork. 117.00: corner bu ana Alain ivansas city, aio. clear jxirk, mess poi, $14,00. (8), In Hanson Taney's to the City of BOARD WANTED IMA PRIVATE FAMILY or small boarding house; West Side pre erred. Address, giving R.

BoxlT.19. Kansas, logciuer whh iwo snares or sloes oi lue Mutual House Building AssoclaUon of Kansas City, Missouri, numbered respectively 329 and 830; which said conveyance was made in trust to secure Kansas City Grocery Markets. Sugar New Orleans. 88Mc: New Or TO EXCHANGE TWO TOWN LOTS IN AND 80 acres of land near Hutchinson, with of No. 1 Jewelry, for a farm near Kansas City.

W. H. CRADDOCK A CO. A true copy. Attest: JOHN T.

WILSON, Clerk. Bv S. A. WILSON, D. C.

-C. J. Bower, Attorney. leans retlned, yellow, 9ia9ic; do refined white, other brands, 810c. Rui'lNKU Sugars Cut loaf.

line now- PARTNERS TRUSTEE'S SALE. WHEREAS. WILLIAM A. dered 12 crushed, 12 12cf granulated, 12c; standard, (A) llSj'c; (A), SHALL ANTED A PARTNER WITH A TO EXCHANGE THE FINEST RESIDENCE in Carthag-a, and magnificent farm of 100 acres for Kansas City pr. perty; will assume small ineum berance W.

H. CRADDOCK A CO. WANTED CARRIAGE WIIEEE CIIAL-lenge. We hereby challenge the Sarvin and all other patent wheels to a public test of strength with tho Olds' Patent Wheel, said test to be conducted by a committee of nine competent carriage makers, the party accepting to choose three, we three, and the six to choose the other three. The defeated party 10 place in the hands of the committee testing $5,000, to be cxpt nded by them for any charitable purpose on which thy may di cide, and the result of said test to be published.

N. G. Olds A Sou, Fort Wayne, Ind. AV capital in an old established. business; Benton and Mltlie E.

Benton, his wife, by their certain deed of trust, dated the 20th day of July, 1872, and reeordetLin the Recorder's oUlce of Jackson county, in deed book 101, page 89, conveyed to E. P. Nicholson, all their right, title, interest and estate in and to tue following described real uic; extra j.i,c; tc). POR SALE 72 FARMS IN KANSAS, 85 JL farms in Missouri, at figures lower than the cost of improvements, in quantity and quality to suit all; also, city property, improved and unimproved, at bargains never before ollered. Gbeenk Ramsey.

the payment of a certain promissjry note In said deed described; and, whereas, saiu note has become due and is unpaid; and, wherJns, the said P. Nicholson, trustee, refuses to execute the powers to him granted In said deed of trust; now, therefore. In accordance with the provision of said deed of trust, and at the request of the legal holder of said note, the undersigned. Sheriff of Jackson county. and trustee, will proceed to sell the above described real estate, at the court house do.r, In the City of Kansas, In the county of Jackson, State aforesaid, to the highest bidder, for cash, at public auction, on MONDAY, the twenty-fourth (21th) day address Times office.

1J He; refined yellow, TRUSTEE'S SALE. WHEREAS JOHN A. INGRAM and Clara A. Ingram, his wife, by their certain deed of trust, dated tne 18th day of Alay, 1872, and recorded in the Recorder's office of Jackson County, In Deed Book W8, pa e' 290, convex ed to K. P.

Nicholson as trustee, all their right, title, nd estate. In and to the following described real estate situated in the Comity of Jackson, State of Missouri, viz. Beginning at the northwest corner of Lot (121) one hundred and twenty-one, Hurk's subdivision of the Cuinotte Bluff Addition to the Citv of Ktusas, aiftl running thence east with the north Hue of said lot one hundred and forty-two feet aud ninety-one one hundredths to a point; thence south parallel with the west line of said lot forty-three and 22-100 feet to a point thence west parallel to the north line of said lot one hundred aud forty-t wo and 91-100 feet to Edgar avenue; thence north to the place of beginning, which said conveyance was made in trtst to secure the payment of a certain promissory note In said deed described and whereas, the said uote has become due and is uupaid, and wherease E. P. Nicholson, trustee as above staled, refuses to act and make the sale; now, therefore, in accordance with the-provision of said deed of trust, and at the request of the legal bolder said note, the undersigned Sheriff and Trustee will proceed to sell the described real estate at the Court-House door In the City of Kansas, in the County of Jackson, State aforesaid, to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, on WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of September, 1877, between the hours of nine o'cloca In the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, to satisfy said note, together with the cost aud expense o'f executing this trust.

O. P. W. BAILEY, Sheriff and Trustee. Dttmlap St Freemak, Atty' s.

Dated this 21st day of August, 1877. ORDER OF PUBLICATION IN THE CIRCUIT Court of Jackson counrv. State of Missouri, at Kansas City. April term. May 11, 1877 3,173.

Samuel H. Caulsen vs. H. Sklles. Juliette U.

Westorn, Lucy Western, and Elgte Western. Now, atthlB day comes the plaintiff by his attorney, and It appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the de-fendanta, Lucy Western and Elgie Western, are nonresidents of the State of Missouri, and cannot he summoned by the ordinary process of law, It Is, therefore, ordered and adjudged by the court, thai publication be made according to law in the Daily Kansas City Times, a newspaper printed and published in the county of Jackson, State of Missouri, notifying the said defendants Lucy Western and Elgle Western, that an action has been commenced against them in the Circuit Court of Jackson county. State of Missouri. Kansas City, by the plaintiff by petition, the object and general nature of which is to procure a decree vesting all the Interest, title and estate of the defendants in and to the following described real estate In the said plaintiff, and that they be compelled to execute a deed to said plaintiff therefor, said property being described as follows, to-wlt: Lot number eleven (11), bloci. numb nine (9).

in Skiles ct Western's Addition to the City of Kansas, Jackson county. State of Missouri, said deed to be executed to said property In accordance with a written contract entered into between said plaintiff and one J. F. Kinney (and dated February 12th, A. D.

1870), the attorney in factof defendant, H. H. Sklles, and one W. W. Western, under aud through whom said defendant, Juhette W.

Western, Lucy Western, and Elgffe Western, claim title to said real estate; and that unless they be and appear at the next term of the said Circuit Court, to oe begun and held at the court house in the City oi Kansas, on the second MONDAY In October, A. D. 1877, it being the eighth (8th) day of the month, and on or before the third day of said term answer or plead to the said petition, the same will be taken as confessed, and jui gment rendered therein, and a decree granted in accordance with the prayer of said petition. A true copy. Attest WAtt(ACIS Holmes Dkak, Plaintiff's Attorneys.

syrups Common, 404oe: lair to eooa. 50 55c; choice, 6075c; sugar-loaf, 90c; New rk ITT ANTED A PARTNER TO TAKE HALF interest in a drug store in a good location and doing a good business. Address O. G. THOMPSON, Wichita, Kan.

TO EXCHANGE A PLAN FOB SICK WYAN-doiters An eleg- nt residence in Ft. Scott, Kan. on best avenue in the city, to exchange for Wyandotte residence property. W. H.

oRA rDOCK A CO. Orleans molasses, 6070c for common to afcoice. estate, situated in tne county oi dacason, outie oi Mssourl, viz: Lot number three (3), in Block number two (2), In Victoria addition to the City of Kansas, Mo. which said conveyance was made In trust to secure the payment of a certain promissory note 5 7o C5 65 fiO tin 55 63 58 02 57 60 55 41 30 46 I 50 45 i 5 B3 4S 46 41 4S 44 44 39 I 45 41 i 41 36 35 30 soda English, tregs, 445c; Doxes, 6c. FOR SALE A BARGAIN FIVE ACRES OF No.

1 land, well improved, half mile from Missouri Paeifle depot, at Pleasant Hill, outside city limits. Title perfect. Price $4u0 cash. Call on or address T. H.

CLOUD, At-torney-at-Law, Pleasant Hill, Mo. WANTED I AM PREPARED TO HFLP ANY one in want of a small or lurge amount of money. I loan on sll kinds of personal tnriritK Rto ordinarv. Z02ic; prime. 21 TOJTjOAK.

property on accommodating terms. Give me or September, oetweeu tne nours oi nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock lu the afternoon of that day, to satisfy said note, together with the cost and expense of executing this trust. O. I. W.

BAILEY, Sheriff and Trustee. DtrfTLAP Frfeman, Attorneys. Dated this 1st day of September, 1877. 22c; choice, 2223c; Java, O. 82 S5c Singapore, do, 2831c; Cordova, 23Kc.

UiceC aroiina 7K Cd So Rangoon, 6 7 Kc Louisiana, 647c. rpo LOAN AT 9 PER CENT; TIME, FIVE 1" TO EXCHANGE WE HAVE VARIOUS stocks of merchandise, agricultural implement furnished and unfurnished hotels, improved farms, unimproved lands, and city property in Missoui, Kansas, and Texas; if you are looking up an exchange call on us and we guarantee to satisfy your wants. Gii ken A Ramsey, Northeast cor. Missouri av. and Main st.

a can anu 1 win neip von. uusuiess strictly confidential. S. S. BAKEK'S Loan Office, 424 Main opposite Market Square.

Open at night 8. property, in sums not less than W. Bouton. 217 West 5th street. 6AS11LKS star ts'sj, lec.

Starch Pearl, 44Xo; silxrer gloss, 9X 10jllc. Tkas Imperial. 45ciSJ1.10: voutig hyson. FOR SALE 10 ACRE FRUIT FARM, MILE north of Wyandotte, Kansas, overlooking surrounding country. Framehouse, 6 rooms, large barn, two cisterns; covered with choice fruit of all varieties; 1 acre in choice grapes.

We offer the above for sale at a bargain. Call and see us and we wiU take you to look at it free of charge. HARRISON A PLATT, Over Post Office. in said deed aescriutu; ana, wnereaa, uio aaia note has become due and la unpaid; and, wLereas, the sala E. P.

Nicholson, Trustee, refuses to execute the power to bimgi anted In said deed of trust; now, therefore, In accordance with the provision of said deed of trust, and at the request of the legal holder of said note, the undersigned Sheriff of Jackson County, Mo. and trustee, will proceed to sell the above described real estate, at the court house door. In the city of Kansas, In the county of Jackson, State aforesaid, to the highest bidder, for cash, at nubhc auction, on MONDAY, the 24th day of Sepmteber, 1877, between the hours of nine o'clock In the forenoon and five o'clock In the afternoon of ttiat day, to satisfy said note, together with the costs and expense of executing this trust. O. P.

VV. BAILEY, Sheriff and Trustee. DuinvAP A Attorneys. Dated this 1st day of September. 1877.

ANTE a A COM' ETEST PERSON TO buUd 200 rods o' rock fence. Apply to laisciL ai? jjou s. gunpowder, Japan, J. R. HICKS, first white house on Hairison- ANTED I WANT EACH AND EVERY ville road after crossing Big Blue.

1 Ii one of you, either before or after viewiue TO EXCHANGE EXHIBITORS TAKE Notice. 320 acres of good land in Kansas for live stock of any kind. Will pay some cash. W. T.

LIlTLIfl A No. 2 Missouri ave. WA TE EVE RY'BOD TO KNOW THAT the unders! is ore mired to manu facture to order all kinds of Furniture Spe cial attention given to making counters. FARMING IO EXCHANGE SOME FINE d. sks, bo-k-cases and office furniture.

Office at Seventh and Delaware-sts. RICHARD STRAUS. lanus lor thoroughbred stock. W. T.

LITTLE A CO. the Queen of the Turf Goldsmith Maid to call and see my stock of forfeited pledges, consisting of Gold and Sbver Watches, Chains, Rings, Sets of Pistols, Guns, Clothing at your own price. As I am accumulating large quantities the above goods I will sell any article In my store, during Fair week, at aetual cost to reduce my stock. Call and be convinced, I mean business. S.

S. Bakeb'S Loan Oliice, 424 Main street, opposite market square. Store open from 7 a. m. to 11 p.

m. i'mxiore Market. (or a days past have XITJAXj ESTATE WANTED. RESIDENCE, with small piece of ground, with fruit, not to exceed will pay cash. W.

H. CRADDOCK CO. WANTED A NICE DWELLING IN Exchange for a well secured trust deed note of $1,250. W. H.

CRADDOCK CO. mo FIVE LOTS IN WESTKAS- a.i.t iim flpiuand moder- SHERIFF'S BALE BY VIRTUE OF AN EXE-cution, directed to the Sherilf of Jackson counts Missouri, Issued from the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of Jacksou county, at Kansas City, Missouri, In favor of E. K. Thre keld, J. 8.

West, R. E. Wilson, C. s. Baruheart, and A.

R. French, and against J. H. J. Harris, dated the 4th day of siepieinber, 1877, and to the undersigned Sheriff delivered, I will, on the 8th day of October.

A. f. 1877, between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and five o'clock in the afternoon of that day, at the court house door In the City of Kansas, In said county, and while said court is in Besslon, expose to sale st public auction, to the highest bidder for cash in hand, a I the right, title. Interest, aud estate of the said J. H.

J. Bar is, of, iu and to the following described real estate, siluated In the county of Ja -kson, and State of Missouri, to-wit The north half of the norm half of the northeast quarter of the utlienst quarter of section 28. towusuip 48, range 33; the n. rth half of the southeast quarter of section 2, township 47, range 3 the west half of lot number two of the northeast fractional quarter of tectlon 4, township 47, range 33; also, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter ol BectionSl, township 48, range '3 lej-ied upon as the propeity of the eald J. HarriiS, to satisfy safel execution and cost.i.

O. P. W. BA (LET, Sheriff. Kansas City.

Sept 11, 1877. W. J. WAItri, Attorney WANTED BY THACHER CASE, NO. 10 West 5th street, borrowers for the funds 1 sas City to exebangs fur Kansas land aud of the Mercantile Trust Co.

in Missouri or uoiona, toc.f Manlfaotuked Tobacco Premium brands trom Sl.O01.10; natural lent, 12-inch 75 fc5c; do 0-lnch, 7580c; do 6-inch, 7080c; AAA" andsuullar brands, 12-inch, 6265c; briKlit quarters, tine, 627oc; medium bright do, yuarters, 5662c; exti-a do naxiea, all sizes, 63 65c; medium do do, 53856e; tine black dodo, 5558e; medium do do 50'dt54c; twists, 12-inch, do 6-inch, do unpressed, 6-inch, 6568c, bright cuble coil, 7580c; fine-cut, first brands, 95c-aSi. oo; do second brands, low grades, 6070c tb. Conckntkated Lye per case of four dozen potash $6.50. VimcOAK 8uUivant'M cider vinegar, 18 20c; white wine, 22o26e; common, 1517c.

Rjlisisa AND Nots New layers, box, half-boxes, quaiter-boxes, 7oc; almonds, 2325c; filherts, 1718c; pecans, Brazils, 12 14c; peanuts, 8 10c; ehestnuts, 16c tb. PlCKLKB Bbls, $8.0010.00 X-bbls, fl.5047-5 oo: in cases, gallon, some money. w. 1. lh iie, No.

2 Missouri avenne. Kansas 8 or 9 per cent. TO EXCHANGE $1,200 WORTH OF GEN evni liiei ebnndfue iii Indiana: the best lo 1: bt l.Molbe. Jx'. praif eernand lair at 12 r-t J-- so iat! ale Cemand ut I life li fid dcumj gxid tic, u-u .25 mt dzen.

I i a i'Oi. attuudant at i le'-is. iierbox jr bufbcl; Ktafck, it3c tt. WANTED PARTIES WISHING TO PUR-t chase city property, 10 ca 1 and examine our list. have some "Rare" bargains to oiler this week -W.

1 LITTLE CO. No 2 ML-so mi ave. near James Hotel. cation and doing the best business in the county; 40 per cent cash and land will take WANTED A SMiLL HOUSE IN GOOD neighborhood, worth from $800 to willpayone thu-d or one -fourth cash; balance in morithlx installments. W.

II CRADDOCK A CO. It. J-iAA IIjCi CC Ull, mO EXCHANGE CITY A FINE BUSI- JL ns worth $20,000. and $5,000 in TRUSTEE'S SALE. WHEREAS, WILLIAM Southerland, by his certain deed of trust, dated the 18th day of May, 1872.

and recorded in the Recorder's oliice of Jackson County, In Deed Book 100, page 86. conveyed to E. P. Nicholson, trustee, all his right, title. Interest and estate, in and to the following described real estate situated in the County ot Jackson, State of Missouri, via.

The east half ol the following described premises. Lots 12 and 13 in Block 5, in Uuiuott'a Bluff Addition to the City of Kantas, which said conveyance was made in trust to secure the payment of a certain promissory note in said deed described and whereas, the said note has beeome duo and Is unpaid; and whereas, E. P. Nicholson, Trustee as above stated, refuses to act and make the sale; now therefore, in accordance with the provision ot said deed of trust, and at the request of the legal holder of said note, the undersigned Sheriff and Trustee will proceed to sell the above described real estate a the Court-House door, in the City of County of Jackson, State aforesaid, to the highest bidder for cash, at public auction, oa WEDNESDAY, the 12th day of September, 1877, between hour of nine 'clock In the forenoon and live o'clock in the afternoon of that day. to satisfy said note, together with tae cost and epense of executing this trust, O.

P. W. BAILEY, Sheriff and Trustee. DtrstLAP A Freeman, Atty's. Dated this 21st day of August, 1877.

Foxrxro. boots and slices. lor a nne tarm near the railroad, and must be well improved will nut in n.niu..-Jliitft rtaiy. fotatons a WAITED PUPILS MRS. M.

H. MCNEIL, a lady 01 several years' experience in teaching French, music, di aw ing, in the city of New York, desires pu lis; bpplv at the northwest corner of 11th st. and Grand av. more money if necessary, or will give time 4i.i;c oiiions, X.

at, 3o 40 Uoteii. TVR. MINN1CK HAS CEASED THE PRACTICE of medieine at Ellsworth, Kansas, and bought out a drug store; he is the oldest established physician in lillswoith county, which will make a good opening; Dr. Fox has recently died he was the next oldest physician; there are only two in the county now left; two good physicians would strike oil there. MRS.

FLORENCE, THE AVEIX KNOWN business Clairvoyant and Test Medium, gives reliable iiif rmation on sll affairs of life; in business, her advice is invaluablo, Informing ou of the sure way to success in a 1 undertakings; cures di-eases without medicine; removes tape-worms, with head, in three hours, satisfaction given or no pay Office on 13th, south side, between Delaware and Wyandotte streets. on aeierreu W. T. LITTLE A CO H-gaUons, quarts, pints, dozen, tisii Mackerel, X-bbls, No. 1, ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.

NOTICE IS hereby given, thai letters of administration upon the i stale of Bridget Daly, deceased, were grained to me bv the Probate Court of-Jackson conny. the 13th day of August, 1877. All persons having claims against aid estate are required to exhibit same to me tor allowance within one year fro this t- 1.25S2.25; hat.d TO EXCHANGE ONE OP THE FINEST au rr boabdii castor, wocw WANTED IY FtolENDS TO KNOW THAT my officf an residence is at 1015 Locust -st and that I have no office down town. P. BAEER, M.

Homcaopathisc. FOUND A GREAT MANY PEOPLE IN THE last few days have found erut I am actually selling my goods at cost, and are taking advantage of the opportunity to get such articles as they need iu ihe way of Jewelry -f all kinds and prices. Watches fr one dollar up, chains, rings of all kinds and clothing at your own price. As I am badly overstocked," I need money. 8.

8. BAKER'S LOAN OFFICE, 424 Main opposite Public Square, NOTICE OK FINAL SETTLEMENT. NOTICE is hereby given that tiie undersigned, administrator of the estate of Solomon Houck, deceased, will apply to the Probate Court of Jackson county, Missouri, at its regular November term, 1877, to be begun and held at Kansas City on the 3d MONDAY of said month, to make filial settlement aaidestate, ffiS' Admtiiistratora. Westport, Sept, ff, 1877. J.

bodies of land in the State of Texas, witli just enough timber, water and prairie to please the mr wt fastidious and make a farm th -it would rm- a. "r.hlior of beantv and a lov i 4 iy tuxSerate receipts; sella at i-o. a. ao.ourai7.oo; jno. o.uuik'o.ou, No.

1, family, white fish, -X bbls. No. family, kits. No. 1, family.

DOC. SPlCfcg Allspice, 17 20c; pepper, 2022c; cloves, 6oc; cassia, in mats, S5'40c; nutmegs,; ginger, i8aoo. ANTED THE IN VIGORAl LNG AND REG date or they may be precluded from any benefit of such estate, aud if such claims be not exhibited within two years from the date -t such letters they will be forever barred. J. A.

BOAKMAN, Administrator of Bridget Daly, deceased. Aug. 21, 1877. olatlria properties ot DK. HARTElt'S elv to exchange -for Kansas City Elixir of Wild Cherry are superior to any ti, Sft lAIva La-AXaWruite, fl.ou81.05.

property or tv jann near civy. W. H. CRADDOCK A CO. otner meaicines in tne wona,.

The Kansas City Times from Kansas City, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

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Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.