Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)

440 Computer SolesSvt.Supl, 458 Clothing in Ariirl.1 For ial 439 Babyrtids "Stuff' 430 Articles For Salt LcATHtlK LUMI IUH 445 Building MoteriulsSupl. JTEeL feooP PANELS $5panel, approx 30 panels, 813-898-9701 SUITCASES American Tourlfr CRIB Walker $5. Bed rail $3. 430 Articlet for Sole HAIR bfeVER salon type, w1 cn tin 813-960-4708 laaies size iu, nxe mm PTREPLACE Siero. darkwood ter with wheels, tike $50.

352-688 0228 WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25J996JPT2 16 813-345-4122 TIMES 2 for $99. 813-577-7199 APPLE NGS COMPCOIor with maroie case, nwiumui, $7Vorbestoer 813j526j9581 SUPER NINTENDO almost CRIB Jenny Llnd, wmattress. 427 Applianm ppliances case, tast neati-uui wmu. t. eel cond.

$15, 813-842-9967 BM wheelwrlter 3 $200 Sealy tttna tinn Micro $65 Stove $125 424 Antiques Collectibles Monitorzuai. nu Offers 813-785-3535 FISHING POLE 8. reel, 8ft $30. TOLIET yellow like new $25. 813-581-6953 cNWnoTIE CONDITIONER new pox in manuuifc w.

LEATHER JACKET brown, man or woman, excellent cond. $90obo 813-538-2863 MATERNITY CLOTHES L. Work ft casual. Mostly floral. AIR Amana 421 Garage Yard Sales Clearwater Ana 11 352-688-9431 eel COnd $99.

8 13-323-4 1 APPLE IMAGEWRITER LQ, Beacn cnair utoi 15. 813-5368813 i seats $200 813-862-0333 ict in, iuv4. hwivv CRIB PORTABLE 110 VaC, 3UUU DIV wniuvn unit. 6 vrs old, $99. 813-541-4760 UTILITY SHED 8x10, New.

Less than 6 mos old. Pd. $350. FLATWARE-GOLD Dlrllyle, DOLL Amer-character, Tonl ex-eel cond. wstand, $48.

613-867-0025 IV msg GINNY DOLLS 1981-82, all "MNB" assorted. 3 tor $99. LAMP Ralntree honolng, 3S; duty, 'i sw ngs, cuui wuw $85 for on. BiJ-3y-y4uy COMPACTOR GE trash com Asking sou.Bi3-3o-3op slide, more $99. 613-447-3479 (6) 4 pee sellings, rwui 813-726-0915 multlbana raaio, 4u.

813-848-2381 EMERALD DR-1726 Estate sale Everything goM. FrlSal, 8-5. Dusty Corner Antiques MEN'S BUSINESS SUIT 42 reg, top make, wool blend, $400 CRIBTODDLER BED Wood WINDOWS white alum, 61,5 ht, screens, single hung, like new, manual, oaiiu iiuwm 813-528-6638 128 COMMODORE computer, color monitor, 1571 disc drive, $70. 813-586-6779 586 100-850HD, SCCD2B.B modem 3.55.25SVGA printer SWISS Army wlch wcomposs. Call eves 813-867-0025 Iv msg LUGGAGE blue garment bog.

FLATWARE Rogers sllver-plate, service for 7 extra pine wltn grain or wneat new, sell SW. BIB0-03 2 for $99. 8 13-333-604 design. $9V. Bi3-46B-6y20 glasses wbnd.

$50. 813-522-8465 pieces, sw. Bij-y44-i 133 11 riv nlhums, $4 8)3 856-0246 WIRE SHELVING new. Ap MINK STOLE Autumn Haze, 6 skins, excellent cond. $50 or CRIB WMattress ft Changing 421 Garage Yard Sales Palm Harbor Area 14 TABLE drop leaf 41x41, $50; 19" FLOOR BUFFERPOLISHER STICKLEY, (LePOld 8pcs.

cherry wood turn. $1600. 813-937-7329 9373348 34 MATCHBOX CARS 38 micro mini, 18 larger trucks, 90 piece PLAYPEN good cond $15, pactor. OOUU tUIIUIMWII, B13- 522 6706 CONVECTION TURBO OVEN Farberware, self cleaning in- w-lnr tm 813-581-2014 DISHWASHER Amana, 3 cycle, under counter, almost new whlte $95. 813-942-3788 DISHWASHER Kenmore portable, great shape $90obo.

$1200ObO. BI4-3B0-U40 proximately 3U mosny i lengths, $2Vobo. 813-595-0826 best oner. 814-341-003 lbi. Simmons, oax wo.

526-6890 art 3:30 WkdyS commercial grauo, vuvu Sears TV, $43. 352-683-4004 rowing macnine, gooa whu $99000 BIJ-343-43yi OAK FLOORING PAGENT DRESS size 1, new $65. 3 tier baby food carousel $25, 8164-643B TLECLOTHIinen CRIB Whit. Bassett wrnioMr ft white cotton bed linens, cur Pr.flnUhed onlv $2.49 SO'. FOOD DEHYDRATOR with 5 total SIM).

6I3-J6-33I SEWING MACHINE Singer 486 DX33 With 8mb RAM, H7 mb HD, modem, monitor, all books. $500 813-S28-069T 386 COLOR MONITOR 8 ram. 14.4 new Int. modemWindows. melamlne dshs pillows $5.

Epiioqy i3 PIJ-3ZJ-7JQJ Free estmts. 813-535-6877 trays oreaa uox pmw. tains, coasters to make crib towel sets si PD IM ROSE GOWN Size 18, BACCARAT CRYSTAL Bar set decamers $275eo, glasses Ex. COnd. $15 813-447-529 commercial, oia oui cond.

$150. 813-845-8852 3 70X84 Sliding vinyl window units hardwdre. 36" storm rock ft mattress. New $y30. Sell $500obo.

813-588-4316 TABLECLOTH oval, wh, 66x102 813-447-442 FOOD SLICER Rival electric. wbeads, good cond, $75obo. St. Pete 813-522-2276 $95ea, set yyuojjziiizi SOLAR PANELS (4) for hot wa $375. 813-3o-yyou wxoy un 3 12 napkins, new orig pr.

ru rtnnr stop all BlyJ-Juuz Model IU44. new, jj. HIGHCHAIR $15, Swing $10, HIDDEN MEADOW DR-2224. Thurs, Frl, 9-5, Sat. 9om-3pm Oldies but goodies.

421 Garage Yard Sales Flea Morton GARAGE SALES USA FLEAMARKET DISHWASHER portable, Maytag, white with hardwood top. ter, tour reel square, rr. vun $60 Sell SJQ. BI3-6BB-JOI 199 HOLIDAY BARBIE MS 35th Anniversary Barbie 813-943-9223 NOVELL netware train ng course on CD Rom. New list 813-842-4689 TABLECLOTH Oval Wh 66x102.

SKI BOOTS mens, good cond $20. 813-787-2491 works gooa. i3. pij-jt 451 Machinery And Tools playpen $20, infant car seat $25, Toddler car seat $15, crib new matt $45. 813-345-4866 FREEZER Gibson Upright, 13cf tensfft.

S73. Bi3-3y3-zo, SPORTS COLLECTIBLES Big $150; sell 30. Bi3-3B4-uwj 12 napkins. mew-onH. py1- DRYER 1995 Sears Kenmore gas, extra Ig capacity, nearly Prt.

160. sell sju. j3-ogo-joi Pasco County $100. Mens acnwin iv mu $40. Sears car top carrier, $60.

SKI OUTFIT Girls ft Ladles, BUD XMAS stein, 1982, $75. Hamms Octoberfest stein 1973, box ot signea w. juiuum, hniu. iersflvs. pictures, WIDE CARRIAGE PRINTER Puiltftu 24 oin.

Excellent con- LITTLE TIKES Country kitch TABLES 3 wood folding tables. size 12 lacxet did, new, S3W Tirm oij-yi-Tmu tlnqlejytrtiq S3U. BIJ-W-J3UI en, $75; Toaaier peaai tire- paid over $1,500. Will sell $750 $74. 813-B4-BJZO dltlon, $55.

813-586-0552 $4USet Bl J-3BI-44B3 2 x4 steel legs, eu.n. FRENCH DOOR SHADE Pel la, truCK, $24. BI3-44y-BH4 OPO. B13-3Z-0 1 1 SOLD PLAIIHU Portable, 25 amp, rectifier ft all equip. Orlg cost $1700.

Sell DRYER heavy duty, like new condition $85, Tarpon Springs, SWORD WWII with 20" blade in 813-584-4084 386 VGA, MOUSE, MODEM, new $30. Lanvus lumni." LITTLE TYKES SOFT PONY SUIT mans Palm Beach off white suit, excel, size 38, waist TREAD MILL Weslo $125. bamooo anu iewio, Earn extra cash ft make new tr lends I Sell iunk from your home. No collectibles. Frl, $2, Sat 8.

Sun $4dly tax 813-862-3583 TANNING BED Welft system 16 813-934-329 WIN, prmr 4uu. aiu SUUWUPO. BI3-D4P-J, Coll BI3-33-4Uf Excellent. $25. Llotnes, ooys s.

girls $.50 each. 813-526-1052 36, $30. 8 1 3-32 1-32 1 All PICO STUtt. BI3-331-U0 bulb. looa conauioii.

ow. Fax with answering wav. 813-862-6144 GAMES for Sony Playstation. 8 DRYER Kenmore, $65; Water cooler, $25. 8)3-546-3305 S86-133 8M 1.7G HD $450.

DX2-80 ANTIQUE TYPEWRITER Roval. sa- SHOPSMITH 500 ex cond wall std accessmanuals $600. Shop Vac $240. 813-372-8348 square. New games at sn-wu ea.

juym.iv HOTEL FURNITURE Liquida PLAYPEN 35" vacuum rags Kenmore can TEXTBOOK OF MEDICINE call bij-sju-uizi 4M 120 MU $JUU. oxuu ouuuu VIQ33-6BB-3JQ ive WEDDING DRESS beautiful, sz 8, never worn, Vi price for ister, $1 each; Hoover dial a Call 813-546-8071 condition, uu. 352-666-8342 tion $100 per room. Everything must go 813-343-7423 $175. 366 $4.

Bi3-oy-yuzj. GARAGE STORAGE Cecil. New, yy. 813-360-7950 DRYER Maytag. Works good, needs timer, $50obo.

malic boo, si. 013-040-40 quick Sole $400. 813-893-01 12 TRIVIAL PURSUIT pAME uini iinniMniffl 135. KeW- MONITOR colorlg $200. Printer POOL ALARM Remington with Plywood shelves ana cophwi $99.

8)3789-1064 451 Machinery And Tools Outside of Pasco WEDDING DRESS Mori Lee VACUUM Hoover Encore Cnroma KS QIT1DS, UPrlght THEATRICAL COSTUMES 813-937-9436 pie Doll, mint $28. 813-391-6387 laser, $250. Krinter, aoi muinx $125. Exc cond. 813-586-7638.

Indoor monitor, new vu. 813-398-7806 421 Garage Yard Sales Pasco County Halloween, scnooi piays, FREEZER 12.5 cu.fl. sears designer, sz 16, satin, long sleeves, pearlseq. double veil, GAS GRILL side burner. mdl 4263-930.

$40. 813-849-368l nAum cm mERS (S) 3 metal Under $20. UAr.DEREORMA 636CD. mul- chest, excellent condition, $60. PORT-A-CRIB Graco-blue with $70.

LOU BI4-3V0-4I0 AC Diag ft tune center, antique. 10-17" tall, 1 flvlng horse, $75 Slip. $450000. 813-393-933 VACUUM Klrby upright, exc iimnriin nekae. remote, orlnt- Call 813-726-l6 TOILET SEATelongated, avo 2 sheets, $50; oraco ioi-- S49; uremei ivwiu shuf bw" all 813-546-1751 suction, perrecT cunu TI WEDDING DRESS Never ersortware $1500 813-384-9051 cDcctcD 14 rn ft chest.

Wei- cado, no tans. iikb new. j. LOO, $13. BI3-6-BIJ GLASS STORE DSPLY CASE saw.

$30. Bl4-34-yoo3 del. Iv msg bij-boz-jjqj Or Rest Otter. 1 3-40 1 -yw I NEW PT RCHY 602 Cradle Ct. Thurs, 8am-? 3 family.

Quilts, tools, housewares, cedar chest, turn, 60 skirting blocks bilt, white. Works great, $99 CHINA DOLL blue eyes 16" blond, orig. body, flood condl- 4 MEG MEMORY SIMMS worn, ivory, sz snort sleeves, lacepearlssequlns, POWER WHEELS Big Foot, ANGLE DRILL Moklta, 10mm 5' long, 3' nign. 3. 813-530-3778 TnuPL RACKDlant hanger, ODO.

813-B63-U3ZZ Min HnriTV. 3U. one owner, low local mites, cordless, ban cnarget. tUlle Skit! SK3 100 AVON Collectables, some filled boxed $90. 100 collectable mugs $85.

813-863-9015 tlpn, $90. BIJ-443-3IZO Call Rusty, 813-527-5377 heavy autv, rvu 311 iuii, FREEZER chest, 5.1 cubic feet. like new, $99. Bia-3-i4y4 Nice COnd, $99. BI3-34-96B3 GRILL, GAS WEDDING DRESS size 10 with $49, now $iv.

BiJ-333-i iiw FRANKLIN IBM compatible FIGURINE by Gorham winter, 'Downhill Daring Rockwell', $V6. can j3-o-ii tii tantc. su. POWER WHEELS dump ARGON-C02 Oxy cyllnders3. tdaaadoi ine 13'.

aood cond 422 Merchandise Wanted Pasco County veil unaersxiri. neeas cleaning. 99. 813-443-4045 Call 352-683-2142 $50ea. cutting torcn J3.

uxy $.15. Coll BI3-jy3-33y PC8000, no monitor, un manuals Incl $60 813-399-2605 truck wltn Danery wu. 813-669-0881 430 Articles For Sale Outside of Pasco $175. Aquariums ju a iv vm avm lockers orimarv col refll, S3. 33-603-4y44 FREEZER chest.

White. Runs great, looks good. Stainless WEDDING DRESS size 2. Ad stang. s3botn.

013-30-03 -) DOLLS 2 Christy dolls; one white, one black. Very nice. ors. Great tor enna or piur STROLLER double, dark blue ft CHAIN SAW 16" Poulan model TD1VC tt knn uinnd Hawaii $5. justable titling, special, 813-785-4100 SOFTWARE desktop publishing for IBMcompatible by Ven-turo, $45obo.

352-686-3073 steel int. sw. 013-443-303, mom. S4UWOOQ. BtJ-33-3QJI Both $99 813-44-3joy white, no stains, gooa cunu.

$75000. 813-547-8237 2300 CVA, A-1 condition, 3. 813-527-3985 FREEZER Frigidolre upright, Slides, coiorea 33111m, ww umn TOOLS. POWER (-HP SHREDDER ft CHIPPER $425, 2-HP McLaln edger $120, WEDDING DRESS white, Cases $8. BI3-326-IBV excel cona.

103. mui PRECIOUS MOMENT $21. (25 off store price). Must STROLLER Graco, excellent TOOLS 3IBKCV CWUir. GATES VALVES (7) both like new Touuir rnmal hnrk.

perfect 813-866-8202 oner ipm lacey, long, aosoiuie sun hub, size 12, $35. 813-441-4243 PRINTER Star NX 1020. Like new, $75. 8)3-786-2848 S500WIII S8P. BIJ-36-l SCASH ON THE SPOTS Will Pov Top Dollar For Clean Furniture, Antiques, 1 piece or Complete Estate Liquidations.

ablOVO STARKEY AUCTION 813-547-6998 cond. criDmatiress, msg BI3-33I-0OYV 4" brass seat aisx woeacn. Call 941-484-5856 AC, TV, CB, Freezer, Range, condition, $30; 10 seis quw" hdwr. lake an wa. HEATER portable electric, hot FREEZER-IMPERIAL Heavy duty commercial upright, 20.7 WEDDING GOWN never worn.

CRIB Old cast iron, white paint, bike, mower, vti ui king sheets, sw, Bij-441-yvov CANON Bubblelet printer. Like GENERATOR- COLEMAN SWING SET $250, chin up bars size 10, ott snouiaer. auiu ow, antique, decorative uiw uiiir. sow. water, base ooara, 4 wj.

813-360-0922 Cl. $6UO. BIJ-oy4-oi. TDiiuir RAOin. Motorola, 40O0W, aeries, nr, new $90, 2 story wooa tower j3v, Ask $400.

Brenoa bij-jzj-iooi. $99. 813-327-9VUB new. uniy, v. tan 352-683-2221 Ar.

Washer, electronic air FREEZER- SEARS UPRIGHT In BOX $450 332-666-yUM holance beam 4u ui 1 3 HEDGE TRIMMER 18" Sears, WEDDING GOWN size 3-4, business buu 3 iuuuhb, 3 power supply ft parts Citrus LAMP Pittsburg reverse hand eaner, aryei, blmh. )9 cu.fl. aimona, guoa luhu. swing sit-uo ft bassinet posi HITACHI 15" MITRE SAW i it nam. l-urexo uui I vui- Very Preny, must sen, aw LAPTOP NEC Versa, 48633, 4mb RAM.

210 HDD, dual scan mower, $99 all. 813-545-1362 repeater SQ3U. J3-3YO- ivjo $300. 331-2265; BIJ-JTY-yiji. paimea, signea IcVshoaVi, $615.

813-345-3390 uum. Gd cond, $15. 813-786-4613 615FB, 100 teeth carbide blade tion $43. Lrio, mea wuuu, nu ClOl, $90. BI3-B4-V33 AnillT MOVIES XXX full color, lyr warr $899 813-347-2522 TV 12" ft $10, Hoover UP mattress $30.

Bi3-jy-ov44 CUtS 6X6 $3yQ. 332-0BB-333 unnirco ON PHONICS FREEZER-UPRIGHT Almost brand new. White. $400obo. WEDDING GOWN size 5, pearls ANTIQUE Secretarial Desk, lengtnaii aitieie'ii.

PENTIUM-133 NEW WWAR- cassette prog. Excellent cond. right vacuum $10, womans hntterv ooer- bike tin 813-528-9317 Twin bouncer $15. sequins wtrain, puiu nw. pull down, Claw reel, 30 wiw LATHE ft SHIP-ley w10' bed $3000.

Good leases $6ime. biw-3vj BUY-SELL-LOAN Coins, Diamonds, Jewelry, Gold, silver, guns, costume, old watches, estates, i 5 VCR'S, tools. Hwy 19 ft SR 52. COLLECTOR'S DEN 813-869-1866 CAM 8)3-38-0234 mini ated $35 ea. $50 firm.

8I3-36U-I4B4 Asking $4UU. QI3-3Q3-yor S700 OOP. B13-3ZB-HQ4 RANTY, 16MB, WinaoWS Y3. $875. 813-736-1427 ANTENNA 16' TV antenna with TV 25" RCA floor console, beau COng BI3-3J6-ZBI 813-787-2036 FREEZER-Uprlght Montgomery Word Signature Series.

750 HOSPITAL BED table, adl WINTER COAT $50; fall coat, ANTIQUE CASH REGISTER, pole ana cnannei mujie EPSON PRINTER wide car LATHE-LOGAN 12 x36, screw TWINS: white basset cribsmatt comp $50. 24" vanity ju. noise tiful, $65. 813-343-1265 hnnster. S4U.

jaz-ogj-jwa ihs. cap, sw. bij-301-3134 $35. Size 14. txceuent whiui-tlon.

8'3-443-45 PUSn OUTTOn WPUM UP iiuimpci 8. marble top $300 813-328-1184 tools $15. 8I3-44I-J43 cutting, complete wstana. 0 rhnrk -hack aear. Quick riage, dot matrix t-A-zoo, w.

81 3-532-6830 $75ea. cnanging laaie 3v. wioh chairs $20ea. Tandem ANTIQUE TYPEWRITER LC Smith, $35; FREEZER, upright, works unr WATFR DISPENSER WANTED ANTIQUES, Coins, jewelry. Pasco's Oldest Dir.

nDAPTiNa table. Great great, you haul it away for $35 adult wooa pony cnuu, o4. stroller wcanopy $40. Carrier TRIVIAL PURSUIT GAME Original Master Genius Eat, MICROSOFT Visual Basic 460 Computer SalesSvcSupl. ISE.

Retail at $172-wlll sell for change tool post. Owner leav-Ing country. $1195. 813-367-4751 cond. $1000OBO.

8)3-738-4052 813-525-5B84 3U4V 6 31 lui 3 $15. MOre StUtt! BIJ-343-UU3 Bi3-o4-4im $55. 813-V6-I3UV never opened. S3U, Bi3-3yi-Q3o, Professional tamon j.o, w. 813-584-6135 TunrmttlTCD DnrtnhlA Alec- at ad i iAOUAR64bit system, PAPER CUTTER.

DWr, Chal Posco County FREEZER Words upright, 16 cu.ft. $125. Microwave-Sharp ipwfi ry CASES counter top, MAHOGANY PLANT STAND mntrnllerK. 10 anmes wguide, lenged diamond, 36" 2 hand MILITARY ITEMS weapons, uniforms, swords, helmets, medols etc Pvt coll 813-847-7583. trlc with case and extra rib- 447 RirvcleS i- ci: a11.10n.1n1n COMMODORE 64; printer revolving lock uea3u on 3.

hnxes. excel. $199. 8)3-866-1673 $99. Call Bl3-S43-3Uiy Corousel controls 741-404-3030 Table S2u.

BiJ-y4j-uojz typewriter Smith Corona Pasco County $99; mon; auto moaem misc softwa re, coble. 813-393-4573 FURNACE elec. 10,000 BTU I for JUICER Acme sup iuicerator, PIPE WRENCH Rigid heavy duty, good condition, Cost AST, IBM ft COMPATIBLES Over 25 computers on display AS LOW AS $99 SALESSVCUPGRADES COMP-U-SAVE rnrnnnmotiC EleC. wCOSC closet installation, wurua ROCKER Boston original stenciling, plank seat, excellent PROGRAMS, 6 for Macintosh: SOLEX 3800 Bicycle w2cycle very gooa, ju; staineu vius, Good cona, vrt. 013-3-mo, EXCel.

$33. BM-By4-OZOO ATTACHE CASE British, tan, Inside pockets, flood condition, $30 813-522-4326 ATTIC FAN 13 hp 8, louvers, $25. Electric hedge trimmer, $4B, ben siy. Bijoyj-oyo Risk, Norton Ulll, virex, ryru. engine 2ompn, zuumpg.

"yis, BI4-3KI-3PB4 SBS. 8)3-58 1 -5346 r.n EIIDMAre 82.000 BTU TYPEWRITER TABLE WOOd, PORTAPOWER SETS, 4 ft 10 like new, sjuu oij-jo-ouv $15. each Bij-Ba-33oz Central heat system. Excel. KISS DOLLS-Gene, Ace, Paul, Dotor-nrialnnl box.

dark oak, brand new in box, 813-862-9828 7229 SR 52 ton w10 ton air pump, CITIZEN 200 GX, Dot Matrix DISNEY Classic collection, JAG, Title, Cinderella series, $99 both. 813-398-2127 cond. $yy. bij-s-oiju $10. B13-323-IHB4 $20.

813-539-BU30 $400OPQ. MACS-New ft Used, peripherals, 442 Bicycles 422 Merchandise Wanted Outside of Posco Peaco*ck's Fays CASH For Furniture, Antiques, Collectibles 8, Completed Estates (813) 535-7495 Call Otter 5:00 pm 8)3-866-3775 printer wcoior Kit. iuu. 813-319-9372 PRESSURE CLEANER 2500 ITITrMEN rhnndelier $25obO TYPEWRITERS Sharp electric PA3140 $60. Brothers $40.

Call BARBEQUE Weber, $20. TV, blackwhite, $15. Outside ot Pasco upgrades, consulting, software. Lowest prices! Thun- rterCnlor 301152 PCI $1149 PSI, 5 galmin. waccess, 4 yr Gl JOE Masterpiece edition action soldier.

Hobby exclu- KITCHEN APPLS, (All), plus cabinets 8. washer dryer, all work excellent, some almost new, SlOOQobo.813-391-4231 2 occasional chairs $25obo, all PHILLIPS 17" monitor, .26 Call BI3-3V-4UJ 813-726-1)96 Old, exc. $623. BI3-3J3-BU30 like new Bl3-23-3iiyB 4 j' tl BIKES -4 2 at $15 ea ft 2 ot $35 sive. $75.

bij-bzi-uqb Quadra 950 641GB $1349. 813- 16X12 Nl monitor, moaei I3V DC, new. HTll ITY TRAILER. 5X8 $400. PROII PORTO BENDER an ve ma ur nw, iargu.

BASEBOARD HEATER elec-trick 74" long. Paid $100. Will 372-6UO KegtSiroilon ruun oi a nm I miner dcu imoi LADDER RACKS (3) off full size von, working lights, top Topco products co. 1 xo MICRO Sanyo, large cuisine, master digital 18x24, $90 3rd St. of Pinellas Trail on HASBRO WWF Wrestling figures HulkBarberUlt Warrior nnlnk $20.

each 8)3-821-0678 MONITOR Goldstar, 12 inch, COATES COMPUTER 848-4004 $350 Exc. cond2666J625J $600 OOP BI3-J4-U3W seHjor $50. 813-525-3)33 West Bay Dr. bves s. aunaay mount, 13eo.

BiJ-ooy-uzoy. 813-391-3406 Amber monoenrome, iiiuj new, only $35 8)3-962-8405 PROPANE TANK 120 GAL VA.C"UkM SS GARY FISHER Mtn bike Brand BATTERY CHARGER 6 ft. 12 volt, 100 amp, commercial 6a CD KUM SBV.W 4 MB 72 PIN RAM $39.99 Inst. 8 MB 72 PIN RAM $79.99 Inst. MICROWAVE $25; Toaster DEPT 56 Dicken's Village nrialnal 7 shops.

$1250 LADDER Type II commercial. 25' working length, 225 rat horz. EXC cona, guage, reguiu- yKi n-u, vera va ue 4oy. win WILL PAY MORE Antiques Quality Furniture Mahogany, French, Rugs, etc. 1 Piece or Whole Estate Call George 813-546-0089 SOFTWARE Doom2, Calendar Ovn, $10; Kange top wnu, Call Richard 813-347-2760 type $99.

813-545-4391 tor Incl. $230. HI3-J2I-2I40 sell for $350 Call 813-536-0212 Coll after 6pm8)3-725-4973 3 B6-13J rvmiru IOT.Tr ing, $83. BIJ-3BI-y44 port dlshwsn, $13. bij-4hi-ioi Plus, Label Designer, $15 each, 813-734-4800 BBQ Weber one touch kettle ROUTER Ryobl R-150, new In BICYCLE.

Kestrel. 200, 58cm, uirbnWAVE Emerson Carou INTERNET $20mo unlimited BOOKS Big Little, from the 1960's, excellent condition, grill, accessories, apron, new-t $100; sell $75 813-541-4353 box, never usea, sou. 813-525-7455 TEKRAM IDE Controller, up to LAMP glass, lighted base, velvet shade, amber color $28 Pt Richey 813-862-1345 "KT1 inntv Cost rac ngwneeis, i3uiodo. access. Free weo nosting.

ftAQ dial up exchange. sel, gooa cona, ww. oiivo od. $30. Call 813-781-0676 $12.00 each.

352-754-9610 Call 813-J93-3B34 4 drives bios moaei $10. 813-584-0093 RYOBI 15" MITER SAW Elec EMI Computers. 813-841-8769 TOP PAID FOR FINE Antiques and Collectables Savoy Antiques 813-726-)))) NOW BUYING Mahogany, Antique Furniture, Estates. Call BEACH CHAIRS (2) $5 each; 2 lawn lounges, $5 each. Bl KB 3 wlaml Sun, fair shape $45.

cash please. REPRO'S Flow Blue, fruit bowl, 2 plaques, 4 pc gravy dish, all tric brake, like new 43u. LAMP double neon, lor garage or workshop $35. MICROWAVE Panasonic, large turntable, perfect working TnsuiRA Color notebook MEMORY 4mb Simms; 813-785-9970 condition, $30. jsz-ozo-oyui 813-441-1460 Pgr 333U3Z 8)3-536-8813 $99.

8l3-3yi-U4B Cond. $85. 813-3V8-434I 6I3-442-83U3 wcarrylng case. 486, 350HD, tiBAM. CD ROM.

28.8 MOD, 70NS, 30PIN, $20. Coll 813-544-1881 SCREWDRIVER AAakita cord Jerry Byfleld BU-jyB-jBflo opov BEDROOM SET $75, Electric range $70 ft Grandfather VIDEOS 30 Assorted fdtnily TRAINER adiustdble resist- LAMPS 2 bases, only for 40" anl nft OWPn Sound. $1750OBO 813-869-2391 GINGER JARS (2) Lefton $25; Sadler, $24; Grindley handptd less, adiustaoie, vioaoiuu, MICROWAVE Sanyo 1.2 cubic feet, 900 watts, white. Exc. BUYERS CONSIGNERS OF ADAM MntrkvbrdprlnterAape I ILa nauu lim clock.

$300. 813-536-6086 chg bott, 90. ai3-M-Y6K sishnth Pt Richey 8)3-062-)345 oil ci7(r0 lu ma Bt 3-397-534 vase, $50. BI3-3VI-WB Quality Mercnanaise. apiijr $600DO.

8IJ-3I-6U33 drive, joystckmanuai, sun- AMIGA COMPUTER wcolor mon, keyboard, modem, aux SNAP-ON auto mechanics tool 81 3-524-8660, f*ckfcnM MUC3 ware, $85. 332-6B3-1443 LANAI 3 sided alum, 2 screen BRASS RUBBINGS 3 English knight, 2 ladies, framed, au- RANGE GE, almond, excellent cond, remodeling kitchen, sets in cases Most never usea $15-225 For details 813-538-0003 686-166, 32m ram, 8x CD, 1.2G 3.5 disk drive, mouse, osst programs, $300 813-942-8481 doors, H'xiB'xir approx, $99. 813-862-4338 COBWEB AUCTION SRVC Always buying or consign. Mon-Sot 84. thentic, $65 813-391-048 Largo, bij-ji-buui BEDROOM SUITE 7 PC fruit-wood, kg sz.

Very Clean. ngod Condi $350. 8)3-525-0068 BEDSPREAD king, blue ft gold drapes 26x39, 41x39, $15. 813-443-6533 $150ObO. 8I3-3V6-B3U tari SAW Id" HD, 16 souna, 2B.B moaem, zm video, $1200obo.

813-526-7520 irm ps? 986 w14" VGA mon WATM WlTrIeLECTrIc Sears wease oiaaes. sen RAGGEDY ANN ft ANDY '93 Applause Molly-E type, RANGE HOOD Ge, white, 30 inch, never used, $25. Leave mouse, keybrd, modem ZVa LIFT CHAIR flreen, $40; bowling boll, bag, shoes, $10. 8)3-393-3920 WORD PROCESSOR nlrert connect. Works cold.

$225000. 813-370-2923 flnnrw uvlnrtOWS 3. 1 O.il, boxed $75. 813-784-8326 message. bij-b4-ob3 Brother I4UW raim nor- $150.

813-734-523, ix-wa 424 Antiques Collectibles Pasco County gomes, more $250 813-857-1105 TABLEL SAW Sears 8" GIRL'S 26" 3 speed ft coaster por 813-789-08IB auon rnoe Cod ruby dishes, WATER COOLER Oasis, $25. cnmnutronies Computers LIVING RM Set wd side by side raf eler ctnve All QOOd COnd BEDSPREAD king size. Beige quilted, $35. 813-784-1744 RANGE HOOD light, fan, almond, GE deluxe 36, like brake, $33; boy same, 13pcs $50. Imperial mufl-blue wstana, extra Diaaes 813-581-9263 Visit our showroom.

Whole- TWO Uuilt TUCKS, nun Tarpon aprings Bij-y4-4y4 man $40. 813-330-jbuj 461 Internet Services Must sell $950 will Sep 787-2219 new $40. BlJ-jyi-44uo 26 ALL RETIRED Precious Mo away bed, S3U. 33Z-000-133 TARI ESAW-RYOBI 10 sal epricesjniyatww srill PTIIRE metal, abstract, BIKES single and 3 speed. BEDSPREAD quilted queen, whltebluepink, beautiful Con WEnnlNG GOWN sz 910, RHYSEI nn the Internet! Model 30001.

Extras inci. RANGE Sears, nice condition. First $85obo. Pasco County vertical, black planes by Le LUGGAGE brand name, ultra deluxe garment bag, used nnre. mint, $80.

813-865-0560 httn-MuiMw lmsweb.netwebsold 352-686-y6l-BOU-444-y44 $30 eacn. ivooa conaiuun 813-391-5196 pearls, 6 train, long sieeveu di 1 1 ments riguniies, tired God loveth a cheerful giver Summers Joy 8, Voice of Spring. Call for list. $251)0 hnronln price for oil 8)3-376-7703 Bruner $99. B13-B-ITO Bl3-44y-yiu Click In! 813-869-1666 fox 862-8052 $250.

weigm nencn weveiy- TOOLS Table saw $85; wetdry MEN'S 10 SPEED bicycle. New BEDSPREADS twin, $15 pair; kina. $25. DINING ROOM TABLE maple, RANGE Whirlpool cooktop, wht. thlnq S3UU BI3-3IY-4UV COMPUTER DESK 36-w, 47- NTERNET WORLDWIDE website dev srves.

Call GTE Supernages 813-842-5521841-7215 fox or oz1ejcjndgtejiet LUGGAGE Jordoche topestry, 4pce set, perfect $25. voc $30; floor lack $20; circ sow $50. 813-530-0121 brand new, never useu. kbiuh paid taxes 11. 81 3-323-8194 )9D keyboard shelf, pulls out.

813-441-2041 Old, newly rermisneq yy nun 352-596-4841 nm i mouse Tudor style, fin WOOD SHEDS 2 free, 6x6, 8x8 plus fence, 21x6ft high, re $800, Sell $500. BIJ-3J3-43QO 813-799-1429 It oak $29. 813-y3-4BII VERTICAL MILL Bridgeport BAI EIGH SUPER COURS 27' REFRIDGEfreezer wlce mak BINOCULARS Prism Selsi 7x35mm, wide angle 10 with move aSOP. variable speed na 44 pea COMPUTER Tandy 64K, Texas MACRAME CHAIRS Burgandy ft white, 1 football ft 1 helmet ished fully turn, $475. Lionel old train set, lots of track.

$300. Lg trnsfrmr for train set. 2 handled $150. 813-868-5472 TOYS-Prlvate collection, Dinky, Tootsle, Raistoy, Thomas ft more. $5.00 ft UP.

813-507-0037 racing Olka neeas me unu $2400 BI3-B94-036y COSe $30. 8I3-B6-J3Z4 Inst. 1 99, commoaore 04, yy. 461 Internet Services Outside of Pasco tube $75 8i3-3yi-3iyo design, new $30ea 613-323-0933 er, 19.2 CU tl, COOK TUP Ot HUW fan both almond. Built-in oven, ss dbl sink wdisposol ft faucets.

$300011. 813-733-3648 813-376-2280 WELDERS 2-220 VAC Arc 200 ft MOVING! Din set, trash compel, lawn turn, elec garden tools, golf clubs, hl-chr, row mach, litim pro I. $200 ROADACE- 14 spd Men's Bike. uir.AHUCC lot Arte Jt, nn BLENDER 10 spd (Osterlzer) $12. (2) room fans $5 ea.

Good PRINTER color dot matrix. COLLECTIBLES ebony and ivory elephant bookends, must see $99. 813-866-2883 tlques, 1973-1981, all $38. 230 amp. 1- Mig no voir 03 amp.

Craftsman torch set ft access. $650. 813-536-9304 Good conomon. tiuuooo. 813-547-1656 cond.

813-76-B3J4. single or continuous teeu, 3. BED 150 years old, lapside 6W high carved oak headboard, foot rails. $1500 val-ue. Asking $900.

8)3-869-2380 REFRIGERATOR 11 cu ft, will Sep. ipo-zp Bi3-3jQ2gy3 QUALITY INTERNET $20mo. M-Th 10-6. 813-855-6669 813-376-9583 almond, gooa cona. ROAD BIKE Bianchl Camplone, BOOKSHELVES cabinet 30x60, $45; steel 2 drawer steel tiling MACINTOSH Desktop pub sys.

Call 813 83-46y3 MENS CLOTHING pants-size 38, Shirts-M-L, 2 grills, FIGURINES Precious Moments Monthly Miniature, with show-box, $85 813-544-1004 i Any WISHES TO BUY 52 cm, snimano ka iuu, ac-cess's. $400. John 813-733-8438 Scanner, color bw printers. rnhinet, SI3. BlJ-JyJ-zi4v 433 Arts Crafts Pasco County REFRIGERATOR 15 CU ft GE 80 GALLON VERTICAL Commercial air tank.

$250 5hp 1 PH (220) electric motor. $250. Tony 813-545-1802 QUALITY INTERNET $10 each. BI3-33Z-4IU0 complete. $43u 013-043-340 frost free, top freezer, yellow BREAD MACHINE $50.

Meat 27" SCHWINN 10 speed, new $20mo. M-Th 10-6. 813-855-6669 iiu 6 1 DOS. monitor, tower, key WINGBACK CHAIRS 1 pair, antique. Gold flocked.

Good gold like new SI23 nij-jyi-yevj tubes tires, ssu. i-au nop 013- MICROWAVE Tappan. Full size, $50; king ft queen com-forter sets, $20 ea. 8)3-44) 9080 slicer $20. uisnwasner 4u.

Compactor $40. Loveseat $45. "AAofl FREE ADS ON THE MOLDS Approx 800 with pouring board, mouseprinter, wuicxen Antiques and costume lewlry ft glassware. Call Sue. High prices paid 8)3-861-3230 PAINTING Red Skelton, The Philosopher, 16x20, Limited edition 3341, Value $5500.

Sell 547-8282 cond! $23iypotn. bij-j4j-4u 456 CamerasPhoto Equip. REFRIGERATOR 23 cuft 4 yrs old Runs great Almond Frzr equipment, paints, etc. W.P., WindOWS, SJ3U. B40-4U3 All good cond.

BiJ-jy-3ooi WEB" New report: send $5 to ITC. Box 3358, SpJHIMm BICYCLE mans Huffy, $35; Bli-B4V-44yn SURF THE INTERNET ELVIS 3 musical decanter $55. Star Trek Enterprise phone 1 top S3UU OPO PI3-3J0-W4 Pasco County MIRRORS, 3 30x40, 30x30, 14x20 S15. $12. $4.

WALKER, Alum. lady's Huttv speea, 3u. Unlimited access os low as BREADMAKER Welbllt lib with 3 bread mixes $50. Call 813-545-5370 $35. 8I3-330-3BUJ lady $20.

j3z-OB3-uoy $2000. BI3-B4B-4Ui4 433 Arts Crafts nrti. new cond. $30. 813-522-6130 si5moi Teievouit 813-942-9370 442 Electronic Equipment CAN BO Legend 4x5 view Schnei SLOT MACHINES MOUNTAIN BIKES (2) REFRIGERATOR, Amona, top freezer, Icemaker, 18cf, almond, excel cond $250.

Frlgi-daire, stoveoven, almond, MOTORCYCLE HELMETS der 210, poiaroia, case, nuiu- PORCELAIN COOK STOVES 6 All colors. From Maine compao 486 $450 Compaq Lap Outside of Pasco Pasco County IB spd, Kdieign a run, i3 ers. Mint. $14 bi3-jq-ii BUMPER POOL TBL $100, stereo spkrs $)00, printer $50, guitar amp $)50 8)3-799-250) top $4VU. ueil 300 S3U.

I divi 300 Large wtull tace snieia 33. Sm. Gold $10. 352-686-9)58 each. COII 8I3-398-363J.

332-3y6-J6Q projectors (71 8mm, all elec, $50. 8I3-343-UUJ 1 PHILLIP2 DENNIS NOYER $295. Monitors. BI3-BI6-B0U0 CB wantenna $100. Camcorder BUY, SELL, REPAIR.

3.863-0547, 1-800-561-6805 HALLMARK ORNAMENTS 1982 1993, Many to choose from. $30 ft up. 813-376-1211 $100, THULE BIKE RACK MUSTSELLI Kenmore Electric have bulbs, 1 dual voltage, tripod wnn tiooaiigni, seui CAPODIMONTE 16" Rose vase BASEBALLS, autographed in case wcert. Mantle, $185. Will jams, $)65 352-726-4062 REFRIGERATOR Frost free $400.

Range $200. H20 bed obo for all 813-848-343 Liths ea. 1 bin Mack "Romeo ft Juliet" $1000 obo B13-831-7199 Rnnae STtii. Microwave i3; trunk Bike kock. wo.

Coll 813-545-9509 Sola Sleeper $450; Loveseat $55. stepper, sju. uou uuun, 2-4 woods $14. 352-686-8374 model cost over iuuu, an ror $75. Bearcat programmable srnnner.

$50. 813-869-9161 podded rails siuu. 013-30, -oooy AMIGA 500, color mon, 2 ext drives. Prnt. Tons of software, books.

$275 813-846-0167 NETWORK ADAPTER external for laptop or desktop, un- $250. All exc. condition. 456 CamerasPhoto Equip. FLORALS containers and fix- BIKE RACK Graber, for car.

MILK GLASS 20 asstd shapes, $50. Bottles, colored glass, 20 REFRIGERATOR Gibson white 18cf 30" wide 63" high, KEYS over 500 old. Locks, old unusual $95. for all Pinellas Park 813-540-1751 352-6BB-y37J CAPODIMONTE candle holders (2) $25. Rose vase $30.

Doves, Ings, moving, $23. uooa conamun w. HAM RADIO Heath SB101 all Outside of Pasco pes, 4y. Bij-noj-4uzy 813-784-1380 813-523-9B9 NEO GEO GOLD GAME Sys runs great, $33 opened $49. 813-36-jzi $15.

BI3-36U-wy3 band, loow output, cw inter, perfect $99 813-376-3271 MACRAME CHAIRS Burgandy 10SPEED CENTURION Signet ADAPTER convert parallel to CAMERA Canon EOS tem 8 games, inci samurai Show down. $299 813-545-1357 OLD MILLINER Hat Forms. (6 in all). $60 all. 813-738-8404 CAR RAMPS Fender mt mirrors, auto stereo ft REFRIGERATOR Kenmore, 26 cf almond, sideside, icewater on door, excel 6, white, 1 football a 1 neimei picycie wnn iui.iii uum Vmm insmm I.

.3.3. serial or serial to paranei w. 8)3-376-327) design, new $30ea 813-525-0933 $40000. 8i3-39-6yo $525 Call mornings 813-895-1178 462 Electronic Equipment STAINED GLASS WINDOWS 10 nice color Nottingham all or 1 813-869-2380 BUTCHER BLOCK 100 year olds 30x32x12 maple, exc, turned legs, $750. 813-869-2380 equalizer, $20.

BI3-3Vl-l04 OAKLEY SUNGLASSES-2, $100 FOR BOTH. 813-725-7524 POTTERS WANTED: opening BIKES Men's ft women's, excel- CANON T70 Mint 50, 35-105, 100- Outside of Posco REFRIGERATOR Kenmore, used in garage, 66" runs PALMTOP COMPUTER programs in Basic, memo func- studio in larpon seexing piui. leni cunuinuna, 427 Appliances Pasco County 300 zoom lens, case, oag, iiasn. CAR SEAT $20. Girls clothes $10.

Toys $20. Bunny Cage $25. Linens $10. 813-446-4707 Call 352-688-2510 serious Inq. only 8)3-937-6009 good, ursi sw.

bij-jb-ojqu $550 813-447-198 tlon, more S4y. CAMCORDER-VHS 3pc. OIL PAINTING original of co*cker spaniel pup, large, prof'l framed $25. 813-963-7352 schwinn Worldtour, mens, ENLARGE R-OMEGA 760XL REFRIGERATOR Sears, with top freezer. $150.

Coll SOLI DO MODEL CAR 143 scale 1948 Tucker, )960 T-bird, new in box $)5 eo. 813-856-5472 VLK. Neeas work, swodo 813-443-4045 new h. used-central-Conden- 436 Auction SalesSvcs. owned bv B.

Voight, good cond 460 Computer SalesSvcSupl. CARD TABLE Samsonlte, with 4 chairs, like new, $40. Call 813-526-1657 Dichrolc color head wNikor lens, ready for 35mm, like new sors-mobiles, warr. Call BD $60. 304y 6 31 3, cot 3 BI3-B6-yi4U SCANNER Bearcat Pasco County Outside of Posco 813-862-4616 352-683-099 air I PA nirvr-LE.

MEN'S RALEIGH OIL PAINTING Tiger $19., Tennis racquet. Prince $80. 613-556-0070 Must sell $330000 013-3z-iyi CARD TABLE with 1 choir, MILLER gunuine draft beer lighted neon sign. New in box, $99 813-848-0927 Moaei no. b-zu $22.

813-584-3330 REFRIGERATOR Tappan, side by side, needs compres-sor, olmond, $99 813-522-9562 12 SPttu RALtK. I3UVU infant car seat, siu; winaow AIR CONDITIONER and heat pump. Friedrick window type. Good, $85. 813-842-9390 COMPUTER CRAFT COND.

$95. 813-323-0947 KODAK Brownie Hawkeye, Pony IV, Duoflex II, X-15. $25 for all. 813-581-9244 WALKIE-TALKIES one pair, 2 tan, $3. 8I3-B9-IU64 OIL TANK ft STAND.

Excellent cond. $10uobo. 813-521-2242 HIKE Women's 26" 10 Speed, wart, cnannei, uxe new w. Lowest Price Guaranteed! rii.niitu j. Prlre Service CARPET CLEANER Kenmore REFRIGERATOR Will throw in upright freezer free.

$125obo. 813-546-5551 women's zo no sniti, i3 3-785-0513 CHESS SET Avon. Old. Good shape, $80obo. 813-869-23B0 COLLECTION of records, mrric fnmin.

lewelrv, OOOKS, DAM memnrv AAVlA32 Call DISHWASHER Kitchen aide, $150. Big Screen color TV, $950. Like new. 813-862-2067 each. 813-527-1494 power spray, $30000.

813-595-0826 KODAK Ektaflex prlntmaker model 8 $50. Never used. 813-526-8105 PAINTINGS, Artist's death Inrnx cnl. oilacrvllCS, 8x10- ricycle Men's Nashbar, red, leal! 464 Food Service Equipment REFRIGERATOR Wtrlce on dr, top freeze, 22 cb', almond. 4ft, over 100, seascapes ft flo custom, excellent snape, mui CARPET new Comm Gro 12x12, high traffic quality $99.

Leave message. 813-532-9470 70-210 60mm. Micro $1000 IFff art $)00Owill Sep. 8)3-372-6085 FREEZER 18 cf upright, Sears $100 firm Coffee $5 toast-er $5 tad phone $)0 8)3-376-49)2 Pentl20 1.2GIJ Bram svga Pa5M County $350. Excen aijyj-Biw See, $99ObO.

8I3-B4-Z33V rals, pasteis. siu-i3u. B13-5B)-2)47 after 6pm Mint cond. 813-823-0233 ricycle 120 speed men's, $100,000 JEWELRY AUCTION TODAY I PREVIEW: Today noon to Sale BIRDHOUSE Iron horse Saloon, motorcycle theme, Harley colors, 25 813-856-5472 FREEZER 5 cu.ft. 1 year old, REFRIGERATORS (3) sside, white, water, Kenmore, 19 cf, $175.

GE SS, Icemaker, 30ViW radio, horn Kaouki, 03.uu CASH REGISTER old, $25; Weider 3 station power max ovm. $75 firm. 813-321-3212 NIKON EM camera; 50m lens, instructions, strap; needs re PANASONIC 3DO Like new, 13 games, all new titles, $300. 8)3-539-6794 Call 813-58-1068 MbTrlton IMCPU 6867120 $199 C00LER new, size 39x76, MB Triton CP" 484T150 $249 2 0Dens org MB Triton II! CPI 1 684T66 $349 ce J2200 Sale for ,,500 Faxmodem33.6-$89 (rm Can 5uecl for den or 8x Multimedia Kit $159 florist, 813-845-7682 rwer 400 ots ot auantv dia $175. 11 CI HI- IZ3.

3-4y3 $100. American Harvester Jet Stream oven, never used, extra ring, $100. Microwave oven Tappgn, $50. 813-869-9161 pair, $50. 813-343-03UB BIKE 26" Ladies Huffy, 3 speed, CB AERIALS (2), speakers, etc, $35; 3 outside porch chairs, PICNIC TABLE wbenches, 12' heavy duty, park quality 424 Antiques Collectibles Outside of Pasco REFRIGERATORS sgl upright $15, small under counter good condition, Call 813-541-3971 mond ft Gem Stone Jewelry to incl: Champagne ft Blue Diamonds, Rubies, Sapphire's, penru.

Watches. Tennis aisim COOLER- REACH. Victory. NIKON F-3HP, WMD4 motor, SB-16 flash, 20mm F-4, 43-86mm ft 80-200mm extrns. $1250.

813-319-3041 $25; linens, $Z3. bij-3-03 $5QQbO. BIJ-461-Q03 MEN'S HUFFY 15 SPEED StoinlessS, 3 door. $600. FINANCE 0, $0 DOWNI FREEZER GE, 10.2 cu.ft.

Exc condition. 1 Year old, still in box. $200. 8)3-847-5788 CB COBRA 19 40 channel CB Bracelets, Gold Chains. Nce 813-862-5534eve.

213-2561pafle Santa f-e, 26 men, su. 813-787-9052 PICTURE POSTCARDS 100 -5 cents ea; 33Vi records, )4 25 cents ea. 8)3-937-1107 RUG STEAMER Kenmore Power Spray, wattachment for upholst, $70 813-447-5278 radio, 4 poos, ssu. ami in pux. Never used.

813-526-9380 selection of estate quality Costume Jewelry to incl: Ed PEPSI Soda Machine, 2 fountain 3170 24th Ave N. St. reie M-F Sat CALL 813-327-7559 NIKON F4SW-50mm F1.8 $1400. Other Items also ORNAMENT ft CHRISTMAS COLLECTIBLE SHOW ft SALE. Featuring: Hallmark Enesco Dept.

56 Disney Boyds nnrhie R. More. SAT 928, machines, ice dispenser, an MICROWAVE GE 600 watt, probe ft rack on or under cabinet, $60. Call 8)3-376-9327 wardian Necklace w47 large Call 813-54-9iy6 COLUMBIA CENTURY 10 speed, men'sboys, like new, paid $225, sell $75. 813-535-1180 B13-B67-y3y3 PICTURES (4) 16x20 Shell artwork, $24.

each. 813-943-9998 CEMENT SINK 23 47. $40. Coll 813-894-5003 WASHERDRYER $200set. Dlx bkcase waterbed wconven-tional matt.

$500. 813-867-0307 garnets ft precious stones. Finery to Incl: R. Lalque Ma-lolica. Lenox China Serves, NIKON LENS 35mm f2.5 A1S, works great, like new, and COMPUTER EXPRESS Big Enough to Serve You Smnll Enough to Care REFRIGERATOR Admiral, 464 Food Service Equipment 18.6cu, wnt, frost tree, 4 vrs more! $99 tlrm.

BI3-343-U3UB PICTURES wood frames mahg, LADIES BICYCLE Raleigh Park Place, excellent 813-799-1117 WASHERDRYER $40 ea; gas stove drop In range $50; Waterford, Sterling, Clolsnee, Hummel etc. For Intormo- CHAIRS 8 wooden, sturdy, black cushioned seats, 2 fans $95. 813-360-6292 01 $400. BI3-Q6V-300 10-4pm, general admission $4 Marriott-Westshore, 1001 N. Westshore Blvd.

Tampa. Info: 813-523-8009 Outside of Pasco floral design, glass 21x36. $9ea Ram Lifetime CALL OMEGA TYPE ENLARGER REFRIGERATOR Freezer 25 dishwasher $30 Bl3-3Z3-ju 2 for $15. COII 813-343-331 tion or seat reservation call th uimm it, 3mm enses -t- svga $499 uul6A.1.9aia.Bram-t- svga $799 23 SODA FOUNTAIN CHAIRS CHANDELIER beautiful. Five WASHERDRYER $99 PAIR ct Amana siae uy mub mm: new only 2 yrs old $500 813-856-3057 GIRLS 20" 10 speed, like new $50.

14" $15 good condition. 81 3-345-5411 (813 347-6630. Terms: 10 BP. VMCDlSC PINBALL MACHINE New style, needs some parts $75, xflxntn 1 9aia.Rram4.svaa $699 white tubular wrea seats, o-30" this $500. 6 hole steam tble milk glass globes, $23.

8 1 3-327-2633 extras $125; Mamlya 500mm F8 lens filter $225; Minolta spot meter $25 ft varlours 35mm filters 813-736-6796 will sell separate. Lan evenings 6-9, M-F 813-376-2029 Phone ft Absentee Bids Welcome pentrzu, 1 t-svuu tOke It. BI3-B3-IB34 AMD pel $99.95 ss 220-3 phase $300. 813-461-1747 CARNIVAL GLASS old Millers-burg green Wreath bowl $70 Imperial Pansy Tray $50. Fenton 2 flowers Bowl $50 Northwood amber Vase $75.

or $200 tor oil. 813-321-4659 REFRIGERATOR GE, 36" side by side, custom ice dispenser, $175 813-861-7529 WASHER ft DRYER Brand PuDlic welcome No Children CHANDELIERS 4 Willioms-hiira rnlnninl. Imported from 1 1 S. KOb. 14.4 moaem 3r j3 SL icco HOBART 9" 445 Building MoteriolsSupl.

Pasco County PINBALL MACHINES (2) Mint! Very collectible $700 each obo 813-392-8085 PHOTO Lab processing equip, also photo library $300 or will new. Heavy auty, top ot me line, $700. 813-530-9743 lOxCD Multi-meaia kit wiz blade, great condition, $23. 813-578-2017 Germany. Polished brass Holland bulbs 24 arm 60 in dla 45 in h.

Value $2500 ea Make an CASH BUT I KXUC AAnnltnr JL PC Repair REFRIGERATOR GE, almond, $100 Refrigerator GE avocado $85 both exc cond 813-943-5417 separate. B13-343-300 Auct: Richard McCoy AU 1858 STARKEY AUCTION 11440 661h St Largo WASHER ft DRYER Electric, Whirlpool, great condition. PING PONG TABLE $75; bed frame, expandable to queen, PIZ7A OVEN Blodaett Con 11681-49 St Clw 813-572-5308 LOUVER INSERT with screen, 23W 38" for side door crank OUALITY DEALERS Wanted Antiques on Fourth. No commission, call George or Jennifer 81 3-894-1 256 0T 546-008: offer 813-327-3333 mm) veyor. 60 at.

un vex mixer, WALLESACK 50mm enlarging lens excellent, $45. 352-688-8857 $1955et. 813-8-3J99 WASHER AND DRYER $20. 8)3-833-2064 type, $10. 813-868-4442 COMPUTER OUTLET Somerset zza aouan ro er St CHEST nice 5 drawer maple, WASHERDRYER- GE.

full Good condition. J3, tor pom 813-847-9944 misc. pizza small wares; lots PLATE GLASS 12" thick $50. Call 813-384-2305 ROLL AWAY Sec shutter for 6' New RAM wLlftetlme Warr $35; small oxygen tank ac-cessorles, $25. 8)3-733-7949 size.

Good working condition. $250 obo. 813-547-8972. Jochoose irom. y4l-v3-BB WASHERDRYER 4b71632mb S254SIUBWUU patio door, exc cona.

am insir. $350obo. 848-6932, AM only CURIO CABINET FRENCH, extremely ornate, $650. Trtfonv style leaded lamp, dragon lly $325 813-522-3318 458 Clothing Pasco County CHINA Kaysons 9 pi setting, 78 ANTIQUE FURN AUCTION 103 at 6:30 pm, bdrm set, buffet, chrs, chests, chinn, desks, gateleg fbls, glass, lamps, mirrors, pictures, wash stands. Some circa 1800's, pnnl PATIO lounae chairs.

466 FumitureHsehld Goods Kenmore 6vears, Aimona. for both. 813-375-9039 WASHERDRYER, Kenmore hvy duty, lust serviced. First nara unves-Duoi rnuwi SVGA 14-15" 33 628.8 modems. pc $69, stroller, goias $6, carseat $5.

813-536-2219 Cast aluminum frame, brown 445 Building MaterialsSupl. $130 taxes mem oi3-jyo-4yo Pasco County helae. 2 tor $30. BI3-3J0-IUJI More Product: www.lntol.com DRESS lace size 18W, peach, short sleeves, washable, $20. WASHER ft DRYER Large capacity, heavy duty, cood cond.

Both $150 813-669-3202 Outside ot Pasco DINING RM SET 1930s art deco. Mahogany, tbl, 6 chrs, buffet, server, china hutch, bxc cond, S2500obo813-824-8537 WASHERDRYER Sears large rnimritv. perfect cond. Mov- 22065 US 19N Or B13-yfr-UBU0 CHINA Noritoke Pinnacle, 6 6 salads, meat plotter, sug 8. crm, $70.

813-391-0487 of Hon 2040 (jrana siva. Hoi. Ilm seating, 813-943-5336 Prewltt camp pd pol adv. (D) BED A QUEEN SET 'Serenity' No WQl5tline. BI3-B4y-30O POT RACK Calphalon $40.

Dinette glass tp, 2 chrs $45. Bar cabinet. $15. 813-446-8818 COMPUTER BLOWOUT SALE ing must sell. $500.

8)3-527-3515 20'X8' GARAGE DOOR waulo Brand new still in plastic Retail $699 Sacrifice $179 DRESS White, all lace, short sleeve, size 6. Tea cut bottom uiina athnw ainues. Freder Apple-Mac, IBM-compaq-nr, and more computers for sale. WASHERDRYER Stackable, Kenmore 14 lb cap, white, works good $165 813-943-5417 WASHER ft DRYER Very good Deliver tree BI3-626-63B3 air COFFEE GRINDMASTER Krups $15, hot air corn popper $5, both like new, 813-397-3537 PSCH BOOKStapes $30. Video wrettlina $10.

Minerals $20. closer ft track, fcooa cona. Works perfect. S700obo. Call 813-392-3741 NICHEE'S AUCTION WE BUY ESTATES AUCTION TUES ft FRI 7PM 3438 US 19.

HOLIDAY PLATES (8) Red Mansion series wcertificates and boxes. $20 each or $150 all. 813-447-6108 Previously leased sytems warranties. Call Scott BED Double, complete, like cond, Whirlpool 6, kenmore. $275.

Call 8)3-595-3226 WASHERDRYER Westlng- Tnaster $5. Pad $5. 813-526-2242 icks of Hollywood, could be used as wedding dress. Never COMFORTERS King $25; full new, night stand lamp, must WASHERDRYERS GE ft Kenmore, Full size, $75 each. Warranty.

813-943-5417 Dlr Mon-Fri 8-4, 813-571-1100 ext 2130 Abl71 813B47-9787 Au324 Sell. Ask S3PUOPO. BI3-37Z-6BBU worn, $99. Bll-Boy-Bozu AC HEIL HEAT PUMP Compressorcondenser. 2 Ton.

New In box. 11 Seer $725 813-398-0668 house stack heavy duty. Re- $20, eyelets, Diues, mauves, Dior Rose. 813-585-2807 S6MB ACTNR ARNITHA TATUM PUNCH BOWL, large, glass, on pedestal, 18 cups, $75. Call 813-585-3942 MEMORY TOP PAID FOR FINE Antiques and Collectables Savev Antiques 813-726-1111 rondltloned $300 Bl3-JMi-jy BED mattressboxspring, Sim WASHER Maytag wringer type.

LEATHER JACKET Harley I nriw'S bTOWn, mons Beautvrest, full, extra COMMODE white, like new, $25. $600745 $495 $24V532 P100I66 system 2 Gig SCSI II MB 120166 Intel Save water ana soap, 433. 813-856-2024 small, zipper, $99. 813-848-4497 firm, like new, $100 each. Side ALUMINUM SHED 6'x4'.

Good condition, $90. 813-822-6018 WASHER ft DRYER white, heavy duty, GE ft Kenmore, good cond. $150pr. 813-593-9593 BUYCONSIGN Estates, antiques, jewelry, art AB 1456 8)3-943-002) Lyon's Head Auction Gohery RADIO, PHONO 2 Speakers, Tape Player $40. 352-527-3195 choir, beige, $30.

Bi3-B63-8By DOLL COLLECTION, collectibles, depression ft carnival gloss 8)3-570-8)04 10-5 wcnniUA ROWN Size 6-8. $lB4252 HD 1.22.0 oig UUASMEP Sear, heavy duty, 1 nnn cleeuntrnln. Pearl se- Call Paul 613-521-2779 BED Twin, comolete. $75. BATHTUB JETTED- Roman $100.

Kenmore microwave COMPUTER DESK hutch and glass front cabinet, $75. 813-899-1409 quined wheadpiece ft kreno- Table w6 chairs, dork walnut, WASHER GE, heovy duty. Works great. Good cond. $99.

813-797-7265 486100 Clean, 24 meg Ram, lg slond, $40. can B13-003-300U RADIO STEREO In cabinet, $20; cane rocker, $20. 813-384-8015 style, black wbrass trim warranty $650 obo 813-535-0830 llne. Asking S43UBI3-ooz-3uqu $125. B13-663-36WI OLD TOYS Tin race cars $)00, Promo cars $50.

WU airplane $300. Much more! 813-725-9177 436 Auction SalesSvcs. Outside of Pasco HD, 2X OX L.L3 KUIVIO, tip WASHING MACHINE Wards, CONVECTION air oven, $40 WEDDING GOWN small. Se drive, 28.8 modem, HP660 clr BED twin. Mattress, box spring BRICKS PatioDrive, 7 kinds ft tempwtr control fabric setting Christmas handbags, $15.

Call quin, long sieeve. cxcei printer, svtt, win 3, ma yi- and frame, $30. WASHER GE, white, good condition, $75obo. Call 813-579-3737 $200OBO 8l3-B44-3y3 an opm RECEIVER Onkvo, $25. Movie-Dlsney Beauty ft the Beast, $50.

8)3-547-8237 colors B000 You pick, from 13c ea. Too 813-626-7176 any time fice, Internet software In- 6)3-372 226 813-527-1762 must sen, w. bi3-o4o-44t, TABLES Kimball marble top Mohognv Victorian 2 end1 cof-fee $650 813-937-6640 825-1158 Stalled $1000. 813-B64-6B0B BEDROOM chest, triple drsr, CEILING FANS Hunter. Crank- 500 WASHERSDRYERS ft REFRIGS Full warranties.

$69up. 813-943-0599 ABA-133 Computer Sys, 8 mb ram, COOK BOOKS: All kinds .50 to All for $98.32. Downtown St. Pete. 813-896-0777 nite stand ft mirror $100.

sola WASHER Kenmore, $60; Dryer, Whirlpool, $35. Call 813-586-3608 458 Clothing Outside of Pasco RECORD ALBUM Frank Sinatra 1943, 78's, good condition, $50. 813-797-1306 1 oia mu, uit-in "on pipe 5lpr queen $100 813-843-84B3 BED-round tube metal frame twin. Antique, needs restoring S150 813-734-5723, 738-8028 out root windows, storm doors wside Panels, plumb fixtures. All new.

$45eo. 813-585-3541 line burst cash. $1049 wmntr $1249. Also 566-133, same as BEDROOM SET 5 PC, $150. COOKBOOKS Old collection, $1 .00 each, 5000 28th St RECORDS-600 ALBUMS A CD If-AM A ISLAMIC WEAR 427 Appliances Outside of Pasco Lamp cottee tables $10 ea.

WASHER Lady Kenmore, apt size, heavy duty, excellent cond, $60. 813-535-3445 DOOR Gorgeous leaded, deep KISS DOLLS-Gene, Ace, Paul, above. 613-y6B-4B63 Wall unit, $125. 813-868-6379 for sale average prices Lot 43, St. pete; Jazz, ft Broodway, $330 obo, will separate.


Elting, AB88-AU95 SURF THE WEBI carved crystal glass manog-any $900 813-393-3737 Coll 813-321-0440 BEDROOM SET Comtempo- WASHERMaytag; Dryer, GE. play Multi-Player Oooml COPIER SHARP, NP270, Letterslegal, for sm office. Sacrifice! $300. 813-541-9828 rarv. queen, oak, very good AC 2.5 ton, Carrier, mobile home pkg unit, runs perfect, Peter-orlgmai dox.

Call after 5 .00 pm 813-866-3775 SOFABED Rare 1940'S beauty aU spindled wood, redone $295. Antique sofa $150. 813-527-1494 DOORS 3530. Shutters BLAZERS Mens med, (4) $20. Pants, 33 ft 34W30-34L, 6 pair, RECORDS Deutsche gram-mophon, Symphonic classicals (50) each.

813-866-3379 older, wnite out worx wen. yw OBO. 813-448-0843 unlim usage iy.y3 niu. one Call Starts It All cond. Headboard, dresser can deliv.

S230.8I3-0-B03 16x45 16x33 can seperate. 8)3-584-7720 mirror, (2) night stands, $19. 813-B4-BJ63 Dial 813-447-7673 By Modem WASHER portable Maytag with spin dry roil $99 drmolre, $650. 8)3-863-2538 COT folding, canvas woak frame, like new, $15. 352-686-9158 BOOTS0 ladles Western Laredo, DOORS bl told Louver.

White AC (3) Freidrich, 19,200 BTU, newer $235. 11,20010,500 dc tmutlRi; Kenmore 8100 COMPAQ DESK PRO PC, mon- REPLICA OF AUTHENTIC Steam Locomotive Whistle, Works. $125; 813-525-0908 BEDROOM SET Queen size, 813-585-31 tan 9M, like new, wo. CAMEL Raggedy Ann Andy 1994 Beige by Applause wilh box, $40. 813-343-1182 tar.

kevtioara. mouse, son- wood 79x30. 4 pair $99 all. Call Sat ft Sun. 813-415-6235 chest ft drawers.

$100. 46" 352-686-261 ware, Panasonic printer. Good 5500 coolht 115V $165. 522-4973 CRUTCHES odi. $5.

Foot fixer $12. Crock pot, remov pot, $5. Juicer, $3 352-596-3739 BRIDESMAID GOWN brand WASHER, WHIRLPOOL, 2- spd, 4 cycle. Works greot! $100. 813-446-8096 ROBOT $30; BB gun, $12; horse sml, $10; Rockwell picture DOORS Di's Doors, new, deep AC 5,000 BTU, Whirlpool, like stdrter sys.

$200 352-688-9771 new. Size 34. leal lace, oeauu- HALLMARK Christmas Barbie, 2 Tiny Tears Baby, $24. 813-585 2305 16x16, $25 613-391-8376 carved, beveled, leaded, much more, free est 813-393-3737 new. Excel, cona.

st3u, 81 3-530-0395 fUl. COSt $33. 13-33 I-3Q43 SRA-133 fl MB Ram. 1.2 G8 HD, Color TV sears lxi moaei, $400obo. New single bed dresser, $50.

2 La-Z-Boy recliners, $100 ea. 300 watt stereo, $50. Metal ofc desk chr, $25. 19" Quasar tv, $40obo Dining rm tbl, $30. 662-0047 WATER HEATER electric.

Never used. Was $220; asking ri nTMES-aiRLS size 12-18, DESK $30. Bucket mop $15. Wood shelf $20. Brass shelf $30.

813-87-3098 4X CD, 10 neat souna spur, 14.4 DOORS Int 30" whdwr, 30" bi- RUG-AREA dure, approx 5' 10' $40. dys, 813-725-4121, eves 813-797-5014 LIQUIDATION EMERGENCY I Local, Nationally known "Family Fun Center" Liquidated to bare walls. Sept 24, 5pm-9pm. Sept 25, 26 9am-7pm. 23670 Hwy 19 North, Sunset Point, Clearwater Mod, 14" svo won, extras, $85.

352-796-1191 4pr leans, snorts, 6 aresses 3 STAR TREK entire original series on video, unopened $1000. 8)3-596-6706 AC 5000 BTUup CoolHeat Buy-serv-sell wall units. Major crdt cards. DC AppI 813-541-1446 foid, Late $60an or separate B13-536-6669 warr, says, bij-sbb-wz each. 813-26-BJ34.

TANDY 3O00 NB, 2mb ram, DESK dark wooden, nice, wre-troctable typewriter stand $90. Largo. 813-391-8001 DRESS size 14 ft matching shoes WATER SOFTENER Culligan, automatic, complete, $99. 813-547 0MI5 BEDROOM SUITE 3pc, DOORS: JIM'S Surplus Doors New! French, bl-fold, leaded PARKER Pen and Pencil set, old, in case, $50. Call 352-683- sz 8ww, oft wnite 11 orown.

SAND CHAIR kingsize bedspread, tan, brown, rust diago-nols, $15. 352-746-4699 SEGA GENISIS 4 games, 2 40mb HD, 1.4 floppy dr, mouse kybrd, monitor, printer, lots AC, 7800 BTU 110 volt, cool unit $99. 813-585-3717 $30. 813-3Z-3ZZ3 glass doors more. 813-571-1394 dresser, amotre, night table.

dk wood. $175. 813-372-9661 BEDS1 BEDSI BEDSI 6530 (8t3)969-2UOO extras. $2V0. B13-3Bl-3az.

DESK module, grey steel $125; Large amplifier, Ampeg $125, Both excel cond. 813-544-5040 DRESSES1 Homecoming DOORS Storm screen door $40. AC BARD 5 ton. MH. 430 Articles For Sale Pasco County ACCEPTING CONSIGNMENT Antiaiielnvestment Art-Sept 15 1975 BUCS ZIPPO LIGHTER Like new in box, $200, excel pads, new in box, odult owned $80 Beeper 813-970-2547 aress-oiue veivei dress, si 1112.

$65obo. 1 long Starting $10 ea pc. Holiday Mattress Outlet Darlington ft COMPUTER 586133 8 meg. CD rom 16 bit snd card, spkers. A ft B.

14.4 modem DM printer can see run perfectly. $400 obo 813-934-5036 regular screen door $30; 2 ext. doors, $40 ea; 6 closet doors, $5 eo. 813-345-8316 BurcharsabJW3-82J-1167 gift idea. B13-634-44U3 19, Tahltlon Plaza, 813VJB-IU DINETTE 36 Inch glass top, 4 chairs cone backs, $89.00 ch rome base.

813-532-0747 blk formal aress, sz iij, $99 obo 813-527-6564 Lv Msg 14" SVGA, $y3U. B13-JZ3-U3IU SET OF TEXTBOOKS FOR general contracting school. $500352-596-6823 AC Carrier, 3.5 tn, 42,000 btu nita unit used 1 vrs. exc. cond.

ROOKCASE wood. 72Vix30Vlxl4. FLOURESCENT LIGHTS 8' MICHAEL JACKSON autographed Thriller album, $99. Call 813-545-4585 30 GALLON WATER HEATER, $50. 813-863-9676 nDESSES Rrldesmalds.

(4) MEMORYSIMMS PCMaC 4, 6, 439 BabyKids "Stuff" Pasco County $550 Jason 813-544-5184 oft 6pm commercial strip lights. $10 ea. 813-734-5723, 736-8026 four open shelves, two oenina doors. $50. 813-849-6593 16, 32MB.

$24, $45, $89, $179 DINETTE w2 chairs, modern style, wpedestol base $99. teal wpearts a iulis, ivu length, pd $120 tell $70eo MB opti viper wra AC New 2 ton condensor, $699 installed. All sizes PITCHERBOWL in dark wood stand with mirror and 2 side FORMICA COUNTER TOP BRASS TABLE LAMP 3 way. AC CENTRAL TRANE 4 ton cool only mfg date 589 ft old AH $300 both. 813-823-8264 ObO.

813-3yi-333 $195 all new 613-384-0262 SEWING CABINET Singer, 4 doors, drop down table. $400. 813-398-1224 SEWING MACH ELNA 9000. Comouterzd. case, wrkbk 4 BABY AFGAN ft QUILT, rock-Ing horse, wall hanging.

Nice, avail. 813-849-6626, Dealer tnwel rods. SW. white, excel cond. $50obo, 813-595-0826 FOX COAT Gorgeous full $10.

Moving! Must seiu i 862-9585 LAPTOP COMPAQ LTE 433, DISHES 12 place settings mol, beige wwhite pink flowers, $15. 352-686-9158 AIR CONDITIONER new, still all $20. BI3-B43-3BZ 4mb ram, 209 nuu, active gui- length, like new, sz iu, wv. Blk fox jacket $150 8)3-767-0581 GLASS large sections 28" 76' or, printer, Ithr bag, complete CHAIR lovely velour beige up- AC Coldspot 28,000 btu, wall unit, no heat, good condition, $325. 813-578 2017 attach.

Exc $800. 813-347-4327 for patio door 46" it" In box, heaaers imuuub i $399. 813-847-6195 863-6896 aft 6pm $1499 813-347-2322 I noistery, nn irim. 433. 013- DIE CAST CARS ft TRUCKS, Hotwheels, Tomlca, Sollbo.

Mainrefle.I4-$18. 813-525-0908 DOLLS Archie Bunker's Joey Stivlc, $50; Bettleiuice, $49. FUR JACKET Persian lamb, CRIB $40. Play pen $30. Wheel barrow $10.

613-372-9019 SEWING MACHINE Kenmore $45. 8)3-526-1032 DISHES 20 pes Cornlngware, $15, toaster Farberware, 2 slice $15. 613-376-0108 111 MU7 1MR RAM. 1MB Video X3Q-3TV Mode 36 wltn all accesso- light brown, large, minx cui-lar, size 34-6, $99 813-896-0728 JACUZZI BATH TUB Acrylic, iu, moon. 14 4 lYIIUIVm.

4 LI1F1 I 3QIWIS. Uf BslHIT Wflllll- AC FAN MOTOR for outside compressor, 230V, used 2 weeks, $55 813-392-3575 ries ft cabinet $100 613 565-2419 BINOCULARS Stellar 7x50 Leather case, like new, $40. Call 813-863-4029 SVGA monitor, much software ror ft 6 drwrs. Pine. Pair $125.

813-5BI-9UB GOLF SLACKS 5 Izod men's, pump, x-lets, Lost $V30. sacri-fice $475. 813-398-0668 439 BabyKids "Stuff" Outside of Pasco DISHES Stoneware blue, new 40 pieces, plus serving pieces $90. 813-393-8943 $740. 941-746-5529 2 nite tobies $50 813-842-2843 SEWING MACHINE Kenmore.

Wood desk model, detail stitching, $75. 813-595-5435 size 34, var. colors, like new, $10 each. 813-577-1620 OAK CHAIRS4, wmatchlng rocker. New cane seats.

KITCHEN Cabinets, great gar. PENTIUM 90 16MB RAM 850HD COFFEE TABLE Square, 4 AC Kenmore, 12,000 BTUs, used 4 weeks, $295 firm. 813-824-2898, after 6pm BOWLING BALL 12 lb, wcarry case ft bowl shoes sz 8, all new cond $35. 813-937-3278 6xCD Rom, 28.8 modem, 17" $525 813-785-4IMJ or rental can. soua wooa.

Riiiid 19S1 84" cor GORGEOUS Ralph Lauren ex glass inserts, 2 end tables glass tops. All $75. Moving! Must sell! 613-662-9585 DP WORKOUT GYM excel cond. $80. Used books 25 each.

St. Pete 813-894-2759 monitor 2 yr on site warr. ACTIVITY TABLE F.D. $15, Playskool basketball toy $5 BEATLES ALBUMS original In SEWING MACHINE Singer, oldie but goodie In desk, taken good care of, $75. 352-686-4727 pedition down locket Like new Pd $800 ask $300.

8)3-767-058) AC Kenmore wall unit, 17,500 btu wheat pump, 2 mos old. $1500. 8I3-BV3-V6BB ner sink base. $150. Pantry 16" deep $75.

Wall cabinets 12" deep 613-441-4243 jackets, very gooa SPECIALIZING IN; COUCH Light color, matching $600 613-525-183 GUAYABERA SHIRT new, ex svo or otter 33z-oo-o3yr DRILL PRESS 6 mo. old, $50. VHS Radio, $25. 813-535-81)0 On Site Srvc 'Netwrkg Com- BABY PLAYPEN aluminum with mesh, $25. Port Richey $yo.

3 vrxzo -n 3u, chair, reciiner-gooa cona. sw. or will seporate 813-973-1085 CABLE DESCRAMBLERS $339 try risk tree 30 days RADAR JAMMERS $279 yr ticket rebate 1-800-777-1710 tra large, 4 pockets, $0. lap 352-683-6530 SEWING MACHINE Table top Brothers with cams. Used very little.

$25. 613-822-6235 MICKEY MANTLE signed Baseball. Incls cert ft trophy ponts. Chips 1 ecn. 33z-y3w $50.

tn-su urt AC NEW ft USED- Cent. HA warr, res, mob hms, wall unit rpr. CACQ41273. 813-442-8383 813-662 1343 DESK beautiful walnut. 16x48.

3 MACINTOSH II SI HOMECOMING DRESS Navy, rtM. 1330. BI3-3Z3-3Q3I KITCHEN CABINETS top and BABY SWING Graco, auto Fxcellent condition. EASELS Wood 5' pair $50; sewing machine, $15; 3 pc dinette, $30. 813345-2090 lace dress, size 3, worn once SHELVING heovy gauge steel, 61x84x18, $30.

Call 613-327-2633 base. Ideal kitchen or garage, drawers, $99. 813-862-2258 PYSANSKY Ukranlan Eggs, 9 matic, $25. Baby walker $12. $50Oobo.

613-736-6699 Devco Electr. Coll 24 hrs a day $35. POim Hbr. B13-B6-36JJ $99. 352-666-3832 AC UNIT-400 BTU Stand alone.

Still under warranty $250obo. 813-522-2997 eggs wstanas, 'u 813-58O-360B S86133Mhz New system, 3 yr DESK Ethan Allen 26x56 $700. HOMECOMING DRESSES painted, 8i3-303-y33o LADDER CHINA new, microwavable BABY SWING with 30mln. 1 1 ai ENCYCLOPEDIA- P. F.

Collier 24 volume. New still In box. $900. 6)3-895-0)26 visamastercara or laoie, 4cnrs, noney mpi arop Navv sz Purple sz Red sz contractors wood 12' foldup mer ft vibrating craaoie seat SHOWER HEAD FILTER New, removes chlorine ft more. $99.

Coll 613-524-4556 oven-to table, serves 6, pretty pattern, $25 813-84fr4789 $30mO. $469. BI3-6B6-upyi loot, antique $300 813-862-2238 CHAIRS (2) OakCane $125. China cups $)0ea. Lg mirror Wht 5Z 1 $65eo 813-821-8940 ladder s3.

Bi3-333-joy3 AC UNITS New Used, Guar. Various makes 8, sizes. $75up. Buy Sell Trade 813-522 0213 813-443-4045 S300. COSh 813-B33-30B3 PECKY CEDAR BOARDS BOUNCIE SEAT $18.

New crib SINK bathroom, countertop, It JACKET Ladles, size 910, western, brown, like new, $95.00 813-544-4043 COMFORTER twin. Two sets, matching sheets. Greymulti color, $25 813-376-2689 150st, rdnaom lengins, ii3. EXERCISE BIKE DP Alrclser $55 Microwave $45 Platform rocker $30 Sewing machine cabinet $30 813-399-9463 light $5. Tub $2.

1 oy more. LAPTOP- Tl 486DX475, active DINETTE SET Table and 6 color, 540mb HD, 12 mos warr chairs. Hunter Green and $1400 obo. 8)3-44)-822) 204-0052 oak, lyr Old. $400.

8)3-376-0389 IBM PS12 486 2550, 20MB RAM, DINETTE SET with leaf and 320MB SCSI, IBM .28 monitor (our ny choirs, $30. Call 613- brown, shell design, $2VBest Offer. 813-461-9991 Call 813-522-064 AC window unit, 12,000 BTU, Whirlpool. Runs Great! First $99. 813-738-6360 CRADLE solid Pine, 19" primitive style, excellent cond.

$85. 813-545-0802 813 526-1032 JACKET Leather, brown wfur PLYWOOD-CHERRY car SEAT 0-20 with base. Cen SKIERSROWERS Exercise machine still in box $20. Table 34" thick turnnure graae tury $23. Mother Goose story collar, Ladies sz.

12, $30. Call 813-447-5278 COSMETICS MARY KAY OPEN HOUSE 40 oft. 9-24 to 9-28 l-9pm 613-844-3576 AC 8100 BTU Hampton Bay 1 week old $275, excellent EXERCISE STEPPER $49 computer monitor. Zenith, col-or. $49 813-391-6658 SAMl.

BI3-333-ZB34 B61-UOTZ OLD STAINED GLASS hanging lamp. Hardware Included, $20. 332-6B8-BB3 lamp $25. Bi3-Bi-v3y3 lamp $10. Bij4x-J2y3.

PC EXPRESS 386SX wmonltor DINING RM SET Solid dk wood LADIES CLOTHING Business 813-526-6072 works fine $99. 813-36-ZJTZ SERVICE WIRE aluminum, strand 2A sleeved. 28'. CHILDS PLAYSET Free! nahv child swings, slide, round tbl w4 chrs, china cab, STENOGRAPHY MACHINE With book $20. Ceiling Fan, dressy ft casual Sz 12, 14 ft 16 813-306-0014 software $350- Coll 813-442-4053 AC UNIT Portable, marine, $300.

Hand held FIGURES (3) Dungeons ft Dragons, pewter, 3 Inch high, $75 .00 8)3-726-4984 COUCH light color. Excellent condition, $65; walker, like new, $30. 613-973-1085 352-686-1602 Remove ft Haul. 613-827-1664 unncu 14 4 Internal datafax. Swag, SIU.

BIJ-3-0l3V GPS $150 8)3-799-2463 DosWin software. Good ft SLIDING GLASS DOOR ond glass, used, approx size DOLLS 5 large attired, certified collectors issues, like new $99. 8)3-321-4659 I93CS highbock chair, 1950's chair both upholstered, nice $99. 613-821-2434 LADIES SUEDE COAT long, $25. 2 suits $20.

10 blouses $5. Excellent buy 813-345-3581 CLOTHES box of about 55 pieces, mainly shorts ft shirts, age 2 3, $5 352-7914670 STEREO CABINET floor model support large TV $15. Vacuum with attach. $25. 813-541-1205 very unique, $395obo.

Chest of drawers ft 2 night stands, $275 obo. Computer cart, 4 shelves, on costers, $35. 813-869-3710 DINING RM STE Like new. Stoutly, Oak 6chrs, Cost $5200 Sell $2200 813-862-4579 faSl. SZB.

BI3-344-IYU4 FILE CABINET fireproof, very heavy 30x30x30, for home or office $99. 813-938-6608 EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Socrates plus. Excellent condition, $35 all. 613-376-3152 $5. 6I3-24-9BU8 AIR COND.

Fedder, very good. Needs chassis. $65. Shelf lumber $2. ea.

813-527-0524 TANDY 1000HX 256k RAM manuals free disks. SLIDING ftLASS DOORS-Com-plete. (3) 8 ft; (1) 6 ft; all for LADY'S DRESSES size 12-14. like new $4 ea; blouses M-shorts. Good, $1.

813-934-9664 CLOTHES infant to 6 months, 60 pieces, used, boyish colors $25. 813-447-064B STEREO SPEAKERS 1 pair $50, 1 pair $351 good quality. 813-461-0137 excel cona. w3. oi3-3i-vioi FILE CABINET prof legal, walnut 52 18, index on each drwr, $99 Call 813-364-2305 FABRIC fabric, reversible ivory, 7 yards $20.

813-646-1257 AIR CONDITIONER 12,000 with heal. 220 volt Good condition, $90. 8)3-447-6590 $150. BI3-3IV-U3I I3IY-VP43 1920'S rocker, new upholstered, great condition $99. 813-821-2434.

Tampa Bay Times from St. Petersburg, Florida (2024)


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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

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Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.